October 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 2 23:42:28 UTC 2017
Ending: Tue Oct 31 23:18:59 UTC 2017
Messages: 223
- [cabfpub] Clarification on DNAME erratum
Mike Reilly (WDG)
- [cabfpub] Voting ends on Ballot 207 (ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines) on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 22:00 UTC
Mike Reilly (WDG)
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Mike Reilly (WDG)
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Jos Purvis (jopurvis)
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Robin Alden
- [cabfpub] New gtlds.json ICANN report available
Francisco Arias
- [cabfpub] CAA look up failures and retry logic
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] CAA look up failures and retry logic
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] CAA look up failures and retry logic
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] CAA, DNSSEC and NXDOMAIN
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Doug Beattie
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] New validation method
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] New validation method
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Peter Bowen
- [cabfpub] Approval Request: Vote on Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Dean Coclin
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Dean Coclin
- [cabfpub] Voting ends on Ballot 207 (ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines) on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 22:00 UTC
Dean Coclin
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Dean Coclin
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Dean Coclin
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Frank Corday
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Frank Corday
- [cabfpub] Updated - Results on Ballot 207 – ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Frank Corday
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Frank Corday
- [cabfpub] Pre-Ballot 209 EV Liability
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] BR question
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] BR question
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] BR question
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Moudrick M. Dadashov
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Stephen Davidson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Stephen Davidson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Neil Dunbar
- [cabfpub] Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Arno Fiedler
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Arno Fiedler
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Virginia Fournier
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Virginia Fournier
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Virginia Fournier
- [cabfpub] [cabf_governance] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Virginia Fournier
- [cabfpub] Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
García Jimeno, Oscar
- [cabfpub] Voting ends October 5 at 16:00 UTC - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Results on Ballot 215 – Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Notice of Review Period - Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Draft Agenda - CABF Teleconference Oct. 12, 2017 at 16:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Minutes needed for recent F2F meeting
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Final Agenda for CA-Browser Forum Teleconference Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 at 16:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Minutes needed for recent F2F meeting
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Voting ends on Ballot 207 (ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines) on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 22:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Draft Agenda for CA/Browser Forum teleconference Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at 16:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Results on Ballot 207 – ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Notice of Review Period - Ballot 207
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Updated - Results on Ballot 207 – ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Updated - Results on Ballot 207 – ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Second Update - Results on Ballot 207 – ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Voting on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers ends Thursday, Oct. 26 at 22:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Final Agenda CABF Teleconference Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at 16:00 UTC
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Missing F2F Minutes
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Results on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Kirk Hall
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Mads Egil Henriksveen
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Mads Egil Henriksveen
- [cabfpub] CAA look up failures and retry logic
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] Clarification on DNAME erratum
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Tim Hollebeek
- [cabfpub] Ballot XXX: Update Discussion Period Process
Tim Hollebeek
- [cabfpub] New validation method
Tim Hollebeek
- [cabfpub] CAA look up failures and retry logic
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Blog post on Infineon key generation issue
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] New validation method
Geoff Keating
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Christopher Kemmerer
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Christopher Kemmerer
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Spamproofed email addresses
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Clarification on DNAME erratum
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot XXX: Update Discussion Period Process
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot XXX: Update Discussion Period Process
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] BR question
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Gervase Markham
- [cabfpub] Public comment on a draft CP for a new US government PKI
Eric Mill
- [cabfpub] Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Peter Miškovič
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Bruce Morton
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Bruce Morton
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Devon O'Brien
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Devon O'Brien
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Devon O'Brien
- [cabfpub] CT Policy moving to a new repository
Devon O'Brien
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] BR question
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] BR question
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] BR question
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Jeremy Rowley
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Adriano Santoni
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Adriano Santoni
- [cabfpub] Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] CAA working group description
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] CAA, DNSSEC and NXDOMAIN
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Short-lived certs
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Clarification on DNAME erratum
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BR question
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BR question
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BR question
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] BR question
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Ballot 184 - SRVnames
Ryan Sleevi
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Rich Smith
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Curt Spann
- [cabfpub] Clarification on DNAME erratum
Curt Spann
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Curt Spann
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Curt Spann
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Wayne Thayer
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Wayne Thayer
- [cabfpub] Ballot 213 - Revocation Timeline Extension
Wayne Thayer
- [cabfpub] Limitation of Liability and Indemnification
Wayne Thayer
- [cabfpub] Ballot 215 - Fix Ballot 190 Errata
Patrick Tronnier
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Patrick Tronnier
- [cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Missing Failed Ballots results on webpage
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] BRs, EVGLs, and "latest version"
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Pre-Ballot 209 EV Liability
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Draft Charter for Server Certificate Working Group
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Minutes for CA/Browser Forum Teleconference – Oct. 12, 2017
Ben Wilson
- [cabfpub] Blog post on Infineon key generation issue
philliph at comodo.com
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
jimmy at it.auth.gr
- [cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
jimmy at it.auth.gr
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
cornelia.enke at swisssign.com
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
cornelia.enke at swisssign.com
- [cabfpub] Reply: Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
- [cabfpub] Reply: Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
- [cabfpub] Ballot 207 - ASN.1 Jurisdiction in EV Guidelines
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
- [cabfpub] Ballot 208 - dnQualifiers
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 23:18:59 UTC 2017
Archived on: Wed Feb 24 16:47:12 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).