[Infrastructure] GitHub Migration update

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Thu Nov 5 19:44:39 MST 2020

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 5:51 PM Ryan Sleevi <sleevi at google.com> wrote:

> Next Steps
>    - Remove the old branches from cabforum/servercert
> I propose doing this within the next few business days, but if anyone
wanted to speak up about the changes to date, now is the time.

>    - Merge the PRs for archive/ and servercert/
> 50% done here. Archive is waiting on Jos, and it sounds like that will be
in the next few days.

>    - Work through the issues list to move issues as appropriate (e.g.
>    infrastructure WG issues -> forum)
>       - *Owner*: I will start this, since I need to do it already for the
>       SC31/SC35 changes, based on how they were merged in.
> I *think* this is done now, although folks are free to cross-check.

>    - Permissions cleanup and management
>       - This is about making sure each CWG can independently manage their
>       documents, and setting up good defaults to help those teams succeed
>       - Concretely:
>          - *Done:* Ensure that merge commits are disabled; only
>          Squash-and-Merge is allowed.
>          - Setting up a "Team" per CWG with that CWGs members, to ensure
>          contributions are from Members of that CWG
>          - Setting up a "Team" per CWG for that CWG's Chair/Vice-Chair
>          - Adding Repository Protection for the "main" branch of each
>          repository to ensure that the CWG Chair/Vice-Chair Team have approved a
>          Pull Request before Merging
> For the servercert repository, this is pending as
For the forum repository, this is pending at
I haven't done the CSC WG as I'm not sure if their br-csc is their
authoritative document at all.
There's no documents yet for the S/MIME CWG.

Once these are merged, we can turn on the following permission for the
'main' branch to ensure the respective Chair/Vice-Chair reviews any PRs to
change any CWG documents (
). Strictly speaking, this isn't necessary; we can generally revert any
mischievous commits. This is mostly to prevent any accidents. We can also
not enable that setting, but still merge these PRs, with the effect being
that the Chair/Vice-Chair will get notified for any PRs that touch the
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