[Smcwg-public] Vote for Approval - Ballot SMC01v3: Final Guideline for “S/MIME Baseline Requirements”

Chema Lopez clopez at firmaprofesional.com
Mon Oct 31 07:00:00 UTC 2022

Firmaprofesional votes NO on Ballot SMC01v3

*Chema López*

Director Área Innovación, Cumplimiento y Tecnología

+34 666 429 224

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On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 16:40, Stephen Davidson via Smcwg-public <
smcwg-public at cabforum.org> wrote:

> *Ballot SMC01v3: Final Guideline for “S/MIME Baseline Requirements” *
> *Purpose of Ballot:*
> The S/MIME Certificate Working Group was chartered to discuss, adopt, and
> maintain policies, frameworks, and standards for the issuance and
> management of Publicly-Trusted S/MIME Certificates.  This ballot adopts a
> new “S/MIME Baseline Requirements” that includes requirements for
> verification of control over email addresses, identity validation for
> natural persons and legal entities, key management and certificate
> lifecycle, certificate profiles for S/MIME Certificates and Issuing CA
> Certificates, as well as CA operational and audit practices.
> An S/MIME Certificate for the purposes of this document can be identified
> by the existence of an Extended Key Usage (EKU) for id-kp-emailProtection
> (OID: and the inclusion of a rfc822Name or an otherName
> of type id-on-SmtpUTF8Mailbox in the subjectAltName extension in the
> Certificate.
> The following motion has been proposed by Stephen Davidson of DigiCert and
> endorsed by Martijn Katerbarg of Sectigo and Ben Wilson of Mozilla.
> This ballot adopts the “Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
> Management of Publicly-Trusted S/MIME Certificates” (“S/MIME Baseline
> Requirements”) as Version 1.0.0.
> The proposed S/MIME Baseline Requirements may be found at
> https://github.com/cabforum/smime/pull/178/files or the attached
> document.
> The SMCWG Chair or Vice-Chair is permitted to update the Relevant Dates
> and Version Number of the S/MIME Baseline Requirements to reflect final
> dates.
> This ballot proposes a Final Guideline. The procedure for approval of this
> ballot is as follows:
> Discussion (7+ days)
> Start Time: 14 October 2022 18:00 UTC
> End Time: not before 21 October 2022 18:00 UTC
> Vote for approval (7 days)
> Start Time: 25 October 2022, 14:00 UTC
> End Time: 1 November 2022, 14:00 UTC
> IPR Review (60 days)
> *Charter Voting References:*
> Section 5.1 (“Voting Structure”) of the SMCWG Charter says:
> In order for a ballot to be adopted by the SMCWG, two-thirds or more of
> the votes cast by the Certificate Issuers must be in favor of the ballot
> and more than 50% of the votes cast by the Certificate Consumers must be in
> favor of the ballot. At least one member of each class must vote in favor
> of a ballot for it to be adopted. Quorum is the average number of Member
> organizations (cumulative, regardless of Class) that have participated in
> the previous three (3) SMCWG Meetings or Teleconferences (not counting
> subcommittee meetings thereof).
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