[Servercert-wg] [External Sender] Re: Re: Discussion Period Begins - Ballot SC-080 V1: "Sunsetting use of WHOIS to identify Domain Contacts"

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Wed Sep 18 17:41:09 UTC 2024

On 18/9/2024 11:59 π.μ., Amir Omidi via Servercert-wg wrote:
> I do not agree. What’s the point of keeping this bespoke method 
> available? These options create complexity and complexity creates 
> security vulnerabilities. In what situation would this method be 
> useful where DNS currently can’t solve that need?

This is well explained in point 2 of Andrew's earlier post 
Copying here for convenience:

> Regrettably, parsing emails sent to a Domain Contact is often the
> easiest way to implement automated validation for a large number of
> domains, since it allows delegation to a single central point, using
> configuration that is often already in place (WHOIS record contact
> information). Delegating DNS records using CNAME (e.g. with [3]) is
> better, but not as easy because it requires the subscriber to operate
> public-facing infrastructure.  So I think that banning WHOIS,
> particularly on this timeline, would lead to a net reduction in
> automation, and I don't believe this is justified by the available
> evidence when a more targeted fix is available.

> On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 04:56 Adriano Santoni via Servercert-wg 
> <servercert-wg at cabforum.org> wrote:
>     I agree if by "WHOIS-related" methods we mean any method based on
>     the WHOIS protocol, either directly or via protocol gateways (e.g.
>     web-based interfaces to WHOIS records). And I support the WHOIS
>     deprecation initiative in this sense, since it has been shown that
>     it may be unreliable.
>     However, where the domain contacts information is obtained, e.g.
>     via the web, from an IANA-accredited domain registrar and is *not*
>     based on WHIOS, then I think it can be used.
>     I assume everyone agrees as long as no one raises a hand to object.
>     Adriano
>     Il 17/09/2024 18:04, Pedro FUENTES ha scritto:
>>     Could it be that we all agree that WHOIS-related method are so
>>     tricky that it deserves to be ditched and the only thing to
>>     requires consensus is the deadline to apply?
>>     On my particular side, I personally consider that 1/1/2025 is a
>>     reasonable date.
>>>     Le 17 sept. 2024 à 17:59, Adriano Santoni via Servercert-wg
>>>     <servercert-wg at cabforum.org> <mailto:servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
>>>     a écrit :
>>>     Andrew,
>>>     I was not referring to any WHOIS server, but rather to the
>>>     information about domain "owners" that a registrar is supposed
>>>     to collect and keep.
>>>     So you believe that if a CA does the following, the domain
>>>     contact email they can (sometimes) get is /unreliable/?
>>>     1) Consult the list of accredited domain registrars on the IANA
>>>     website (https://www.icann.org/en/accredited-registrars), thus
>>>     finding confirmation of one particular registrar's website the
>>>     CA was looking for.
>>>     2) Access the website found in point 1 above and query the
>>>     information available on a certain domain.
>>>     3) At this point, sometimes (rarely) obtain, among other
>>>     information, also the email address of a domain contact.
>>>     Note that here I'm not talking about the WHOIS protocol nor
>>>     WHOIS servers, but about the information that the domain
>>>     registrar has the duty to collect and store (not necessarily
>>>     publish) about the subject who registered a domain.
>>>     Regards,
>>>     Adriano
>>>     Il 17/09/2024 17:13, Andrew Ayer ha scritto:
>>>>     [NOTICE: Pay attention - external email - Sender isagwa at andrewayer.name ]
>>>>     On Tue, 17 Sep 2024 07:21:28 +0000
>>>>     Adriano Santoni via Servercert-wg<servercert-wg at cabforum.org> <mailto:servercert-wg at cabforum.org> wrote:
>>>>>     I believe that the /interactive
>>>>>     /query of the domain registrar, directly on its website, can be
>>>>>     considered reliable to the extent that the CA is confident that it is in
>>>>>     fact consulting the "right" website.
>>>>     CAs were not consulting the right WHOIS server, despite a database of
>>>>     correct WHOIS servers existing (at least for gTLDs).  How would the problem
>>>>     be better when it comes to finding the "right" website?
>>>>     The gTLD registry agreement requires gTLD operators to update the IANA
>>>>     Rootzone Database when their WHOIS server changes; I don't see a
>>>>     similar requirement for keeping a database of website URLs up-to-date.
>>>>     Regards,
>>>>     Andrew
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