[Servercert-wg] Seeking Endorsers and Feedback - SC-077: Update WebTrust Audit name in Section 8.4 and References

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Mon Aug 5 08:14:55 UTC 2024

Still endorsing.


On 2/8/2024 2:28 π.μ., Clint Wilson via Servercert-wg wrote:
> Hello all,
> I think it’s worth getting the WebTrust audit criteria titles and 
> references updated in the TBRs before a CA runs up against a 
> non-compliance that’s really avoidable :)
> I threw together this Pull Request: 
> https://github.com/cabforum/servercert/pull/514/files. I’ve also added 
> the Ballot to the wiki (so hopefully I successfully picked an 
> unreserved ballot number).
> When I last brought this up, I believe Dimitris had volunteered to 
> endorse; is that still the case? Is there anyone else willing/able to 
> endorse this? (Apologies in advance if I’ve forgotten a second 
> endorser in the interim!)
> I would also appreciate any feedback or suggestions on the ballot 
> changes themselves, of course!
> Cheers,
> -Clint
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