[Servercert-wg] Ballot SC-066: Fall 2023 Clean-up v3

Tobias S. Josefowitz tobij at opera.com
Mon Nov 6 15:30:24 UTC 2023

Hi Inigo,

On Mon, 6 Nov 2023, Inigo Barreira wrote:

> Not sure what you are requesting, to not consider the issue #423 and 
> remove the version number of the NetSec or that this change can´t be 
> considered a "clean-up" ballot and should go on a different one. Or none 
> of these ?

Both. Let me re-state my original points with all the possible clarity:

First, this seems to be a highly significant change relating to something 
that has rightly been identified as sensitive around the formation of the 
NetSec WG.

Second, since this is such a highly significant change, if it were to be 
made, it should not be made in a "Clean-up" Ballot. (For what it is worth, 
I do not think that this change should be made at all.)

> When the #423 was discussed, and Dimitris indicated in the proposal, was 
> to remove the version numbers to avoid pointing to old or deprecated 
> versions because everytime there was a new version of the NetSec, the 
> TLS BRs should change/update and point to the new version. Dimitris 
> indicated in the text that we could leave the version of the NetSec but 
> I think that we agreed during the call to also remove that version 
> number. Maybe someone else can clarify or remember what was agreed. If 
> it was decided to keep the version number for the NetSec, this can be 
> reverted.

I can understand that the significance of this change could easily be 
missed during a Meeting situation. Luckily we have the opportunity in the 
Ballot process to address such questions before a Ballot goes to vote.


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