[Servercert-wg] SC-065: Convert EVGs into RFC 3647 format pre-ballot

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Mon Aug 28 09:20:04 UTC 2023


The current Extended Validation Guidelines (EVGs) are written in a
non-standardized format. For many years it has been discussed to convert
this document into the RFC 3647 format and follow the standardized model for
this type of documents. 


Given that this has been known for several years, I have prepared the
following ballot text, which converts the EVGs into the RFC 3647 format:

 <https://github.com/cabforum/servercert/pull/440> EVGs based on RFC3647 by
barrini . Pull Request #440 . cabforum/servercert (github.com)


I am currently seeking two endorsers as well as any feedback on the ballot
content itself (wording, effective dates, etc.).




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