[Servercert-wg] Ballots: CA/Browser Forum Chair, SCWG and NetSecWG Chair election

Wanko Clemens clemens.wanko at tuv-austria.com
Fri Sep 30 18:40:33 UTC 2022

Dear all,


here are the final results of the above mentioned ballots:

Total number of votes submitted and name of the nominee receiving the most
votes during the ballot period for 


-          the CA/B Forum Chair: 

22 votes received in total, 

most votes: Dimitris Zacharopoulos, 

-          the SCWG Chair: 

27 votes received in total, 

most votes: Inigo Barreira,

-          the NetSecWG Chair: 

18 votes received in total, 

most votes: Clint Wilson. 


Votes were checked by Don and myself to ensure that only one (1) vote is
counted per Voting Member.


Old/new WG Chairs: please redistribute this message to your WG public
mailing lists, thx.


The election committee,

Don and Clemens



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