[cabfpub] Final minutes of CA/Browser Forum Meeting October 26, 2023

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Thu Dec 7 16:29:59 UTC 2023

These are the Final Minutes of the Teleconference described in the 
subject of this message, prepared by Michelle Coon(OATI).


Aaron Poulsen - (Amazon), Abhishek Bhat - (eMudhra), Adam Jones - 
(Microsoft), Andrea Holland - (VikingCloud), Ben Wilson - (Mozilla), 
Brianca Martin - (Amazon), Brittany Randall - (GoDaddy), Clint Wilson - 
(Apple), Corey Bonnell - (DigiCert), Corey Rasmussen - (OATI), Dimitris 
Zacharopoulos - (HARICA), Doug Beattie - (GlobalSign), Dustin Hollenback 
- (Microsoft), Eva Vansteenberge - (GlobalSign), Inaba Atsushi - 
(GlobalSign), Janet Hines - (VikingCloud), Kiran Tummala - (Microsoft), 
Lynn Jeun - (Visa), Mads Henriksveen - (Buypass AS), Martijn Katerbarg - 
(Sectigo), Michelle Coon - (OATI), Nargis Mannan - (VikingCloud), Nate 
Smith - (GoDaddy), Nicol So - (CommScope), Paul van Brouwershaven - 
(Entrust), Pedro Fuentes - (OISTE Foundation), Peter Miskovic - (Disig), 
Rebecca Kelley - (Apple), Rollin Yu - (TrustAsia Technologies Inc), 
Scott Rea - (eMudhra), Stephen Davidson - (DigiCert), Tadahiko Ito - 
(SECOM Trust Systems), Thomas Zermeno - (SSL.com), Tobias Josefowitz - 
(Opera Software AS), Trevoli Ponds-White - (Amazon), Wendy Brown - (US 
Federal PKI Management Authority), Yoshihiko Matsuo - (Japan Registry 


*1. Roll Call:* Dimitris conducted roll call*_

*2. **Note-well: *Dimitris read the note-well.

*3.**Review of Agenda: *There were no changes to the agenda.

*4.**Approval of minutes from the August 31 Teleconference (minutes were 
distributed October 3rd)*: No objections, minutes were approved.

*5.**Approval of minutes from the September 28 Teleconference (minutes 
were distributed October 24th)*: No objections, minutes were approved.

*6.**Approval of Forum-level Minutes for F2F 60 

 1. Updates received yesterday (10/25) from Google Chrome team related
    to the root program update.
 2. Postponing approval until next call.

*7.**Server Certificate Working Group update *– Kiran Tummala

  * Last meeting was during Face-to-Face
      o Planning to look at old open issues and ID orders for them
  * Ballots – will discuss during server cert working group portion

*8.**Code Signing Certificate Working Group update *– Bruce Morton

  * No meeting for Code Signing Certificate last week.
  * Bruce mentioned that the group is working on 5 ballots.
  * One ballot is moving SSL reference, and IPR review period ends tomorrow.
  * Drafted text for updating signing service, high-risk applications,
    and timestamping changes.
  * Discussion about removing references to the EV guidelines (a future
  * Key generation in hardware for students discussed, to be addressed
    in the October face-to-face meeting.

*9.**S/MIME Certificate Working Group update* – Stephen Davidson

  * Ballot in discussion for Drop In references to ETSI TS 119 411-6
    cross-referencing the BRs for those that do ETSI audits.
  * Ongoing discussions related to observations during implementation
      o Clarify standard language or improve upon it
  * CAA for S/MIME up next
  * Legacy policy related to use of Common Name field in OV profiles

*10. **Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee update* – Wayne Thayer

  * Call last week discussed issues with mailing system (specifically
    Gmail – believe they (AWS) are rate limiting based on IP address) –
    potential upgrade of mail system.

*11.**NetSec Working Group update *– Clint Wilson

  * Call this week
  * Draft Ballot which replaces section 4 from CSA Cloud Controls Matrix
    – working through licensing for CA/B Forum to include in requirements
  * Re-organization of NSCRs and how that will work in conjunction with
    the section change noted above
  * Section 5 draft (offline environments) specific to Root CA systems

*12.**SCWG charter update* - Ben Wilson

Ballot distributed to public list – discussion period ends Monday, 
10/30/2023. If no comments, it will proceed to voting.

*13. CSCWG charter update* - MartijnKaterbarg

Draft in progress – added clarification around time-stamping 
certificates; removing old Bylaws version reference and fixing forum 
calculation which isn’t valid according to the charter. Pull request: 
https://github.com/cabforum/forum/pull/40/files. Looking for endorsers – 
HARICA will endorse.

*14.**Separation of Forum and SCWG bi-weekly Teleconference*

  * Dimitris has prepared a draft survey – awaiting peer feedback prior
    to distributing out
  * The Forum should receive 1 vote per member – if multiple
    representatives, then we want 1 answer for the member and which
    option of the slots they prefer – can either send the ballot to ONE
    representative and they can cast the vote OR send to all
    representatives, they can all vote but only the LAST one submitted
    counts.  First option – will send email to management list and
    request one email address to be given for the ballot process.  Or
    could have a Google doc/spreadsheet or wiki page where people can
    add their own – can pre-populate that.  It is not just Voting
    Members because Associate Members can participate in the poll. 
    Dimitris will add the members to a page, then will send an email to
    ask the voting representatives to designate an email address.

*15.**Any Other Business

  * In two weeks, several industry meetings:  ESI 81 in Brussels; PKI
    Consortium Postquantum meeting in Amsterdam; IETF week as well. 
    S/MIME group has cancelled their meeting that week (November 6th
    week) – this group has a planned meeting on 11/09; recommendation to
    postpone.  Two weeks after that is Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.
    meaning next meeting would be 12/07/2023. Any objection to cancel
    next TWO meetings?  No objections.
  * Sign up for next Face-to-Face in New Delhi (eMudhra)

*16.**Next Meeting *– December 7, 2023

*17.**Adjourned *

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