[cabfpub] Final minutes for CA/Browser Forum Teleconference - October 15, 2020

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Thu Oct 22 08:57:01 UTC 2020

These are the final minutes of the Teleconference described in the 
subject of this message as prepared by Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA).*

    Attendees (in alphabetical order)

Abdul Hakeem Putra (MSC Trustgate), Adrian Mueller (SwissSign), Ahmad 
Syafiq MD Zaini (MSC Trustgate), Andrea Holland (SecureTrust), Ben 
Wilson (Mozilla), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Chris Kemmerer (SSL.com), 
Clint Wilson (Apple), David Kluge (Google), Dean Coclin (Digicert), 
Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Dustin Hollenback (Microsoft), Enrico 
Entschew (D-TRUST), Han Yong, Park (NAVER Business Platform), Hazhar 
Ismail (MSC Trustgate), Inaba Atsushi (GlobalSign), Janet Hines 
(SecureTrust), Jeff Ward (CPA Canada/WebTrust), Johnny Reading 
(GoDaddy), Karina Sirota (Microsoft), Li-Chun Chen (Chunghwa Telecom), 
Mads Henriksveen (Buypass AS), Michelle Coon (OATI), Neil Dunbar 
(TrustCor Systems), Paul van Brouwershaven (Entrust), Pedro Fuentes 
(OISTE Foundation), Peter Miskovic (Disig), Rae Ann Gonzales (GoDaddy), 
Rebecca Kelley (Apple), Rich Smith (Sectigo), Ryan Sleevi (Google), 
Shelley Brewer (Digicert), Stephen Davidson (Digicert), Tadahiko Ito 
(SECOM Trust Systems), Tim Hollebeek (Digicert), Tobias Josefowitz 
(Opera Software AS), Trevoli Ponds-White (Amazon), Wayne Thayer 
(Mozilla), Wendy Brown (US Federal PKI Management Authority).


      1. Roll Call

The Chair took attendance.

      2. Read Antitrust Statement

The Antitrust Statement was read.

      3. Review Agenda

Dimitris reviewed the agenda; no changes were identified. Tobi (Opera) 
volunteered to take minutes for the next call.

      4. Approval of minutes from previous teleconference

Accepted without objections.

      5. Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee update

Jos was not on the call. Ryan was also not on the call last week but was 
able updated the group that there was an improvement regarding the SPF 
configuration of the mailer.

The "blockers" for mail migration have mostly been resolved. There is 
discussion to see how this migration will take place from the GoDaddy 
infrastructure to the Amazon infrastructure. No concrete timeline for that.

Wayne sent out an email describing the GitHub repository migration for 
Forum-level and Working Group-level repositories. The subcommittee is 
testing and experimenting to make sure this plan actually works smoothly 
and preserves all the necessary information.

New WGs, especially the S/MIME Working Group will be able to take a look 
at the GitHub tools that automate production of documents for new 

Effectively, when a pull request is submitted, whether it's from the 
cabforum repository or a private "fork" of that repository, and want to 
create a ballot and see how it looks like in the guidelines, we want to 
make sure it will be able to automatically produce the artifacts and 
possibly redline versions as well.

Automated production of documents is something the subcommittee is 
working on.

The subcommittee is also working on improve templates for producing 
documents, and to improve the generation of the PDF version. Exploring 
using NIST templates because they are creative commons licensed. Further 
modified to produce new PDF to reference and cross-reference.

Tim: Is it possible to produce documents from branches?

Ryan: Yes, and you can do redline with word. There is a task to improve 
the html template and create redlines with that, without needing to use 
word for that.

If it works with the main repo it will also work in forks.


      6. Code Signing Working Group update

Dean Coclin (DigiCert): Ballot CSC-4 is approved sent for IPR review. 
This ballot was mainly to push out some dates for key sizes to move to 
3072 bit RSA.

Tim Crawford reported to the Working Group that the audit criteria for 
CS and EVCS have been merged. The new audit criteria are dated November 
1st, 2020.

Bruce is looking at the entire document to see when we have different 
requirements for EV and non-EV.

At the F2F, the WG will go through the changes and decide what to do.

There are also several parking items to review. They plan on having a 
revised document with these changes within the next 30-40 days.

      7.  S/MIME Certificate Working Group update

Stephen reminded that the main mission of this WG is to create Baseline 
Certificate profiles and go though email control verification 
requirements, describe the operational requirements for RAs and CAs, and 
finally the specifics of the Subject identity information. At this stage 
they are nearly complete going through a field-by-field review for leaf 
S/MIME Certificates.

The work of other WGs is very useful. In the coming weeks they will be 
moving and talking about aspects regarding issuing CAs.

They will soon have a draft Certificate Profile with all the original 
aspects that are agreed for further discussion and greater detail at 
that time.

      8.  Elections update

Dimitris sent the confirmation ballots for the Forum and SCWG. 
Bruce/Dean will soon start the confirmation ballot for the Code Signing 
Working Group.

      9. Approval of Agenda for F2F 51

The agenda was approved without objections.

      10. Any Other Business

Dimitris informed the Members that Cisco will not be able to host the 
F2F 52 meeting because of travel difficulties and other COVID-19 
restrictions. This was obviously something more or less expected, but 
this is a confirmation that the F2F 52 meeting will also be a virtual one.

Dean announced our two guest speakers for the upcoming F2F meeting, Mr. 
Doug Hill from RealRandom and Mr. Michael Jahnich from Achelos.

      11. Next call

The next call is scheduled for October 29, 2020 at 11:30am Eastern Time.


      F2F Meeting Schedule:

  * 2020: October 20-22 (Virtual)
  * 2021: Feb-March (Virtual), June – Poland (Asseco-Certum), October -
    Minneapolis (OATI)
  * 2022: Mar-April New Delhi / Bengaluru (e-Mudhra), June - [Open],
    October - [Open]

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