[cabfpub] Ballot FORUM-12: Creation of S/MIME Certificates Working Group

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Wed May 13 21:44:04 UTC 2020

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 5:18 PM Tim Hollebeek via Public <
public at cabforum.org> wrote:

> Upon approval of the CAB Forum by ballot in accordance with section 5.3 of
> the Bylaws, the S/MIME Certificates Working Group (“SMWG”) is created to
> perform the activities as specified in the Charter, with the Charter as
> described here (
> https://github.com/cabforum/documents/pull/167/commits/2aa376c06b45146249d0cc6b8cc5d42d08ccb177
> ).

Just to be clear: This link doesn't match the link for a valid proposal, so
I don't think this is a valid Ballot yet.
https://wiki.cabforum.org/github_redline_guide is helpful, but any
suggestions for improvements are welcome.

The immutable link is

The pull request is still https://github.com/cabforum/documents/pull/167

Again, our concern is that the statement that "non-publicly trusted S/MIME
certificates are out of scope" accomplishes nothing valuable, and causes
real harm. That is, either it fails to keep anything out of scope due to
its definition, OR limits the discussion to being impossible to introduce
any new requirements due to, by definition, anything not in the existing
documents is out of scope. Neither of these scenarios are good, and the
risk of harm outweighs any benefits. We remain committed to trying to work
with you and understand your goals, to find language that better captures
those goals without the problematic ambiguity and harm of what's being
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