[cabfpub] Ballot Forum-12: Update CA/B Forum Bylaws [Was: "Ballot Forum-XX: Update CA/B Forum Bylaws to version 2.3"]

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Tue Apr 21 06:14:33 UTC 2020

We made some progress and we're getting closer to starting the 
discussion period for this ballot. We're "almost" there :)

I have created a pull request 
https://github.com/dzacharo/documents/pull/2 that contains all the 
changes we discussed in past meetings. We have two (final?) issues to 
address before proceeding:

 1. Ryan suggested that we replace the term "Full Member" (new term I
    proposed) with "Voting Member". I support this change which makes
    things clearer to the readers. "Members" would be the total of
    "Voting Members, Associate Members and Interested Parties".
 2. We added the term "Voting Representative". My suggestion was to
    leave "the *process *to designate Voting Representatives for voting
    members" to the individual Chartered Working Group charters to
    address. Google strongly feels the assignment process should be
    addressed and described in the Bylaws and be Forum-level consistent.
    I don't have strong feelings about this and would be happy to make
    this process Forum-wide.

I would like to hear any feedback with objections or concerns regarding 
these two changes. Unless I hear otherwise, I will proceed with these 
updates on Friday April 24. Hopefully, if I get a second endorser we can 
start the discussion period on April 27. As promised, the discussion 
will remain open for at least 14 days before considering voting to begin.

Thank you,


On 2020-02-29 12:07 π.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) via Public wrote:
> On 2020-02-28 5:29 μ.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
>> Hi Dimitris,
>> There's a lot of changes here, and this will take us quite a bit of 
>> time to digest.
>> I don't know that we're necessarily supportive of the "Full Member" 
>> definition, and the implications that has. The implicit consequences 
>> of treating Interested Parties as Members of the Forum is not what 
>> was intended with the current Bylaws, as I understand it, and so it 
>> has ramifications throughout. That is, our definitions have 
>> historically been "Member, Associate Member, Interested Party" - with 
>> zero overlap. This seems to redefine things to be "Full Member, 
>> Associate Member, Interested Party", with using "Member" as the 
>> aggregate term for all three, and it's unclear why that was necessary.
> The concern that was documented in the Bylaws issues was that it 
> becomes confusing when we use plural (i.e. Forum Members, WG Members). 
> Does that include "all Members"? Does it include only "Members" (with 
> a capital "M")? Does it include every Forum member? That's mainly the 
> problem I tried to solve by adding the "Full Member" definition. 
> However, if we can find an alternative approach to achieve the same 
> goal, I would support it.
>> However, the biggest concern remains with the approach to the Chair / 
>> Vice Chair making changes to "Informative" sections. We're 
>> tremendously appreciative of your efforts here in finding a solution, 
>> and we're trying to work through how best to propose changes that 
>> capture the intent. We're very appreciative of the explicit attempt 
>> to limit the scope in sucha manner.
> Thank you for that, all I did was include some language that was 
> proposed in previous meeting. I hope it will only require a few more 
> tweaks to become acceptable by Google.
> Dimitris.
>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 6:15 AM Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) via 
>> Public <public at cabforum.org <mailto:public at cabforum.org>> wrote:
>>     I just received a comment that Section 2.3 point 7 also needs to
>>     precede all occurrences of "Member" with "Full", as Interested
>>     Parties are sometimes able to participate in Forum
>>     Teleconferences, etc, and so may affect the quorum without a
>>     corresponding ability to vote.
>>     So, I updated this paragraph to:
>>     "7.    A ballot result will be considered valid only when more
>>     than half of the number of currently active Full Members has
>>     participated. The number of currently active Full Members is the
>>     average number of Full Member organizations that have
>>     participated in the previous three (3) Forum Meetings and Forum
>>     Teleconferences."
>>     There is no need to circulate a new version yet. I'll wait for
>>     more feedback.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Dimitris.
>>     On 2020-02-27 8:51 μ.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) via
>>     Public wrote:
>>>     Following up from the latest F2F meeting, I have prepared a
>>>     ballot for a Bylaws update.
>>>     I am looking for two endorsers.
>>>     Thanks,
>>>     Dimitris.
>>>     *Purpose of Ballot:* The Forum has identified and discussed a
>>>     number of improvements to be made to the current version of the
>>>     Bylaws to improve clarity and allow the Forum to function more
>>>     effectively. Most of these changes are described in the “Issues
>>>     with Bylaws to be addressed
>>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EtrIy3F5cPge0_M-C8J6fe72KcVI8H5Q_2S6S31ynU0>”
>>>     document.
>>>     Here is a list of major changes:
>>>      1. Clarification of the use of the term “Member” so it is clear
>>>         when we discuss about all Forum Members (which includes
>>>         Associate Members and Interested Parties), and when we
>>>         discuss about the “Full Members”.
>>>      2. Adding the term “Voting Representative” which is designated
>>>         by each Member. Only votes submitted by Voting
>>>         Representatives will be considered
>>>      3. Replacing of the term “Forum wiki” with the properly defined
>>>         term “Member Web Site”
>>>      4. Removing references for Webmaster in the definition of
>>>         “Public Web Site” since it is repeated in section 5.2
>>>      5. New Photography Policy in Exhibit D
>>>      6. Clarification of 4.1 (2) that Forum Members nominate
>>>         representatives
>>>      7. Allowing informative changes to Guidelines by the Chair or
>>>         Vice Chair
>>>      8. In 5.3.1 require that a Certificate Issuer is trusted in the
>>>         “latest” software produced by a Certificate Consumer
>>>     *— MOTION BEGINS –*
>>>     *Amendment to the Bylaws:* Replace the entire text of the Bylaws
>>>     of the CA/Browser Forum with the attached version (CA-Browser
>>>     Forum Bylaws draft v2.3.pdf).
>>>     *
>>>     **— MOTION ENDS –*
>>>     A red-line is also attached (CA-Browser Forum Bylaws draft v2.3
>>>     redline.pdf).
>>>     The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:
>>>     Formal discussion period:  (14+ days)
>>>     Ballot Discussion Begins: March XX, 2020 19:00 UTC
>>>     Ballot Discussion Ends: March XX, 2020 19:00 UTC
>>>     Vote for approval (7 days)
>>>     Ballot Vote Begins: TBD
>>>     Ballot Vote Ends: TBD
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