[cabfpub] Final Minutes for Server Certificate Working Group Teleconference – 9 August 2018

Ben Wilson ben.wilson at digicert.com
Thu Aug 23 17:59:41 UTC 2018

Final Minutes for Server Certificate Working Group Teleconference - 9 August




1.  Roll Call.  The roll call occurred on the previous Forum teleconference.


2.  Read Antitrust Statement.  Reading of the Antitrust Statement occurred
on the previous Forum teleconference.  


3.  Review Agenda.  Agenda was approved.


4.  Approval of Minutes of teleconference of July 26, 2018.  The Minutes as
amended were approved, and will be posted to the Public list.


5.  Final list of Members, Associate Members, and Interested Parties - SCWG.
The updated list circulated by Kirk by email on August 6, 2018 was approved
and will be posted to the wiki and the Forum's website.  Kirk will make no
further efforts to contact former Forum members, who can apply if they are
interested in participating in the SCWG.


6.  Start of nomination period for CABF Chair and for SCWG Chair.  Kirk
noted that the nomination period for CABF Chair and for SCWG Chair had just
opened on August 9 at 11:00 am Eastern, and will run for two weeks through
August 23 at 11:00 am Eastern.  The terms will run from Nov. 1, 2018 through
Oct. 31, 2020.  Those who wish to be nominees can enter their names on the
Officer Elections page which has a link on the first page of the wiki.


7.  Status of SCWG Ballots to create Subcommittees (Validation, NetSec,
Certificate Policy/Policy Review).  Kirk noted that SCWG ballots were needed
to create new Validation, NetSec, and Certificate Policy / Policy Review
Subcommittees to replace the old Validation, NetSec, and Certificate Policy
/ Policy Review Working Groups of the Forum, which expire October 3.  Tim
said he had been busy with other projects but would come up with a ballot
for the Validation Subcommittee, and Dimitris said he would also for the
Certificate Policy Subcommittee.


8.  Plan for moving from Public mailing list to SCWG list.  Dimitris
previously proposed a plan for moving SCWG messages from the current Public
list to a new SCWG Public list in an email to the Forum members.  He
summarized the plan as follows:  We will try to automate the processes as
much as possible so Members can list and update their authorized
representatives who can post to the public lists and have access to the
management lists and the wiki.  During August, Members, Associate Members,
and Interested Parties will be required to provide their official
representatives and related email addresses to the Forum.  This information
will be included in a Google spreadsheet document, which will be maintained
by the Chair and Vice Chair.  Other tools will be developed, and any
difference between the official list and the current mailing list will be
reported to the officers.


We will start this process manually, and add features and automation over
time to cut down the administrative burden of making changes.  Members,
Associate Members, and Interested Parties will be required to post their
official representatives and related email addresses by August 31.  As of
September 1, if any former Member representative with posting privileges has
not been listed, he or she will continue to receive emails from the Public
list (but without posting rights, just like any other subscriber to the
Public list), and will be removed from the Management and Questions list.
The Forum's Public list and the SCWG Public list will be mirrored on
September 1 as there is only one Working Group at the present time.  Both
the Forum and SCWG will use the existing Management and Questions list until
there are other Chartered Working Groups, at which time we will create new
Management and Questions lists for each WG. The existing management and
questions list of the forum will then be copied to a SCWG management and
questions list.


Kirk asked if the Public and SCWG lists are mirrored now, and the answer was
no.  Kirk asked which list SCWG messages should be sent to in August, and
Dimitris suggested posting to both lists in August, and then only to the
SCWG list starting Sept. 1.


Ben asked if these changes would have an effect on or be affected by our IPR
Agreement.  Dimitris said no, the IPR Agreement was signed at the Forum
level and applies to all WG activity as well.  Once we have multiple WGs in
operation, then the critical issue as to applicability of the IPR Agreement
will depend on a particular Member's "participation" on a specific WG.


9.  Ballot Status.  No discussion.

10.  Any Other Business.  Tim said that the legacy Validation Working Group
had assigned "homework" to its members - they are to check with their
companies to determine how re-directs are handled for discussion of Method 6
and possible amendments.  They should communicate their findings back to the
Validation Working Group.


Kirk stated briefly how he thought the October F2F meeting in Shanghai would
be organized - the new Subcommittees would probably meet on Tuesday, and on
Wednesday and Thursday we would start with a plenary Forum meeting, and then
spend the balance of our time on a plenary Server Certificate Working Group
meeting.  He noted this will be a new agenda structure, and asked members to
be thinking about format and topic issues in advance.  He also suggested
that members who need to apply for a Chinese visa to come to Shanghai should
start the process soon, if they haven't already.


11.  Next call: August 23, 2018 at 11:00 am Eastern Time.


12.  Adjourn



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