[cabfpub] Draft Agenda for F2F Taipei Oct. 3-5 for review

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Thu Sep 28 11:37:00 UTC 2017

On 24/09/17 00:45, Kirk Hall via Public wrote:
> Please review the draft Agenda below, and offer comments and new topics
> – as you see, we still have some open time on both days.

I think we should have a discussion about follow-ons to ballot 190. Lots
of things got pushed off so we could get the validation methods back
into the document, and may of those improvements added significant
value. Now the methods are back in there, we should triage all the
improvement suggestions and get a sense of how controversial each is, so
we can pass another ballot reasonably quickly with the uncontroversial
ones, and map out a way forward for the more controversial ones.

Will this happen as part of the Validation WG discussions, or do we need
a separate slot for it?


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