[cabfpub] Voting has started on Ballot 21(4) - CAA Discovery CNAME Errata

Christopher Kemmerer chris at ssl.com
Thu Sep 21 16:56:51 UTC 2017

SSL.com votes yes.

On 9/20/2017 7:54 PM, Kirk Hall via Public wrote:
> Voting has started on Ballot 214 – CAA Discovery CNAME Errata.
> Technically, the Discussion period ended at 22:00 UTC today (which was 
> 3:00 pm Pacific Time).  Josh, as the Proposer of the Ballot, accepted 
> Gerv and Tim’s email suggestion as to a 3-month transition period, but 
> this acceptance occurred at 5:05 pm Pacific Time, two hours after the 
> end of the discussion period.  Also, we don’t have specific amendment 
> language to consider, only a concept.
> Regrettably, I think it’s too late for this transition period 
> amendment, *_so we are voting on Ballot 214 as originally proposed_* 
> (see below).  If there is a need for a transition period, I think it’s 
> best if it’s proposed by a separate ballot with specific language.
> *From:*Public [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] *On Behalf Of 
> *Jacob Hoffman-Andrews via Public
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2:31 PM
> *To:* CABFPub <public at cabforum.org>
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL][cabfpub] Ballot 214: CAA Discovery CNAME Errata
> Kicking off the official discussion period for ballot 214 today per 
> discussion with Phillip.
> The following motion has been proposed by Phillip Hallam-Baker of 
> Comodo Group Inc. and endorsed by Gervase Markham of Mozilla and Mads 
> Egil Henriksveen of Buypass.
> In the Baseline Requirements v1.4.9 Section CAA Records
> Strike:
> As part of the issuance process, the CA MUST check for a CAA record 
> for each dNSName in the subjectAltName extension of the certificate to 
> be issued, according to the procedure in RFC 6844, following the 
> processing instructions set down in RFC 6844 for any records found. If 
> the CA issues, they MUST do so within the TTL of the CAA record, or 8 
> hours, whichever is greater.
> Replace with:
> As part of the issuance process, the CA MUST check for CAA records and 
> follow the processing instructions for any records found, for each 
> dNSName in the subjectAltName extension of the certificate to be 
> issued, as specified in RFC 6844 as amended by Errata 5065 (Appendix 
> A). If the CA issues, they MUST do so within the TTL of the CAA 
> record, or 8 hours, whichever is greater.
> In the Baseline Requirements ADD an Appendix A that reads:
> Appendix A -- RFC6844 Errata 5065
> The following errata report has been held for document update for 
> RFC6844, "DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource 
> Record".
> --------------------------------------
> You may review the report below and at:
> http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid5065
> --------------------------------------
> Status: Held for Document Update
> Type: Technical
> Reported by: Phillip Hallam-Baker <philliph at comodo.com 
> <mailto:philliph at comodo.com>> Date Reported: 2017-07-10 Held by: EKR 
> (IESG)
> Section: 4
> Original Text
> -------------
>    Let CAA(X) be the record set returned in response to performing a CAA
>    record query on the label X, P(X) be the DNS label immediately above
>    X in the DNS hierarchy, and A(X) be the target of a CNAME or DNAME
>    alias record specified at the label X.
>    o  If CAA(X) is not empty, R(X) = CAA (X), otherwise
>    o  If A(X) is not null, and R(A(X)) is not empty, then R(X) =
>       R(A(X)), otherwise
>    o  If X is not a top-level domain, then R(X) = R(P(X)), otherwise
>    o  R(X) is empty.
> Corrected Text
> --------------
>    Let CAA(X) be the record set returned in response to performing a CAA
>    record query on the label X, P(X) be the DNS label immediately above
>    X in the DNS hierarchy, and A(X) be the target of a CNAME or DNAME
>    alias record chain specified at the label X.
>    o  If CAA(X) is not empty, R(X) = CAA (X), otherwise
>    o  If A(X) is not null, and CAA(A(X)) is not empty, then R(X) =
>       CAA(A(X)), otherwise
>    o  If X is not a top-level domain, then R(X) = R(P(X)), otherwise
>    o  R(X) is empty.
>   Thus, when a search at node X returns a CNAME record, the CA will
>   follow the CNAME record chain to its target. If the target label
>   contains a CAA record, it is returned.
>   Otherwise, the CA continues the search at
>   the parent of node X.
>   Note that the search does not include the parent of a target of a
>   CNAME record (except when the CNAME points back to its own path).
>   To prevent resource exhaustion attacks, CAs SHOULD limit the length of
>   CNAME chains that are accepted. However CAs MUST process CNAME
>   chains that contain 8 or fewer CNAME records.
> --Motion Ends--
> The procedure for approval of this Final Maintenance Guideline ballot 
> is as follows (exact start and end times may be adjusted to comply 
> with applicable Bylaws and IPR Agreement):
> BALLOT 214 Status:   Final Maintenance Guideline    Start time (22:00 
> UTC)    End time (22:00 UTC)
> Discussion begins now and ends September 20, 2017 22:00 UTC (7 days)
> Vote for approval begins September 20, 2017 22:00 UTC and ends 
> September 27, 2017 22:00 UTC (7 days)
> If vote approves ballot: Review Period (Chair to send Review Notice) 
> (30 days). If Exclusion Notice(s) filed, ballot approval is rescinded 
> and PAG to be created. If no Exclusion Notices filed, ballot becomes 
> effective at end of Review Period.    Upon filing of Review Notice by 
> Chair 30 days after filing of Review Notice by Chair
> From Bylaw 2.3: If the Draft Guideline Ballot is proposing a Final 
> Maintenance Guideline, such ballot will include a redline or 
> comparison showing the set of changes from the Final Guideline 
> section(s) intended to become a Final Maintenance Guideline, and need 
> not include a copy of the full set of guidelines. Such redline or 
> comparison shall be made against the Final Guideline section(s) as 
> they exist at the time a ballot is proposed, and need not take into 
> consideration other ballots that may be proposed subsequently, except 
> as provided in Bylaw Section 2.3(j).
> Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread on the 
> Public list. A vote in favor of the motion must indicate a clear 'yes' 
> in the response. A vote against must indicate a clear 'no' in the 
> response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 'abstain' in the 
> response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote 
> received from any representative of a voting member before the close 
> of the voting period will be counted. Voting members are listed here: 
> https://cabforum.org/members/
> In order for the motion to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes 
> cast by members in the CA category and greater than 50% of the votes 
> cast by members in the browser category must be in favor. Quorum is 
> shown on CA/Browser Forum wiki. Under Bylaw 2.2(g), at least the 
> required quorum number must participate in the ballot for the ballot 
> to be valid, either by voting in favor, voting against, or abstaining.
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Chris Kemmerer
Manager of Operations

~~~~~ To find the reefs, look~~~~~~~~
~~~~     for the wrecks.    ~~~~~~~~~

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