[cabfpub] [EXTERNAL]Re: Draft Agenda for CABF teleconference April 27

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Tue Apr 25 11:01:13 UTC 2017

On 25/04/17 04:17, Kirk Hall via Public wrote:
> If desired, we could add a paragraph to Ballot 197 along the lines “The
> vote on Ballot 194 and the Review Period notice issued for Ballot 194
> are hereby declared null and void, and are rescinded.”  That would put
> an end to Ballot 194 if Ballot 197 passes, which is likely.
> Any objections?

I think this might be the quickest way to get clarity on the existing
situation. I agree that it should not be the end of the matter, but
rushing through ballots to "fix" Bylaw ambiguities and other process
issues has not worked well in the past. Let's do the minimum in ballot
197 to get certainty about 194, and then we can take an unpressured look
at how we avoid this happening again.


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