[cabfpub] ]RE: Ballot 194 - Effective Date of Ballot 193 Provisions is in the VOTING period (ends April 16)
Ryan Sleevi
sleevi at google.com
Mon Apr 17 01:18:05 UTC 2017
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Kirk Hall <Kirk.Hall at entrustdatacard.com>
> Ryan, it’s kind of unseemly for one browser to try to block the vote of
> another browser. Google were the only Forum member to vote no on this
> ballot – 20 CAs and 2 browsers voted yes. Clearly the consensus of the
> members is in favor of this ballot, and technically Microsoft cast its vote
> correctly, even if it was not forwarded by our server. I would suggest you
> reconsider following this line.
I appreciate your suggestion, but again must object that consistent with
2.2(d), voting has not taken place on the public mailing list with respect
to Microsoft's vote.
I object to your statement that Microsoft has cast its vote correctly.
This is a critical part to the transparency and accountability, both of the
Forum and the Chair. This has been reiterated with respect to Section
9.16.3, and reiterated with respect to our IP disclosures. I believe it is
highly improper and unprofessional to suggest that the outcome of the
ballot should influence whether or not the Forum operates by its Bylaws. If
this vote did not make any difference, we would still be objecting on the
principle here that the vote was not conducted properly.
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