[cabfpub] Ballot 190: Domain Validation

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Thu Apr 13 22:11:39 UTC 2017

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Kirk Hall <Kirk.Hall at entrustdatacard.com>

> Can you explain why you oppose including Sec. 2 of Ballot 190 as a Note at
> the end of BR as updated?  This is commonly done for rule sets
> around the world, and is the simplest and easiest way to proceed.
> I thought your concern was making sure that someone who looked at the
> updated BRs would see what transition rules had been adopted, and would not
> have to go back to Ballot 190 to find out.  A Notice at the end of BR
> would accomplish that.
> It would be very helpful to the Forum if you would consider alternatives
> to the exact outcome you want, and evaluate other options that will meet
> your concerns and also the concerns and opinions of other members.  Right
> now, it’s hard to understand why you are not showing any flexibility.


Flexibility on ambiguity is not flexibility, it's foolishness. I can
understand that it may be difficult for you to understand the set of
concerns, but I think you're unduly offering suggestions on something that
Jeremy is more than capable of addressing. It's unclear why you're
attempting to propose a particular solution, rather than allow him, as the
ballot author, to understand these concerns, as he no doubt does, and
incorporate them.

If you're concerned about ballots you may propose running into the same
issue, then if you were to propose a ballot that suffers from the same
problem here, I'm more than happy to take the time with you, including on
the phone if necessary and helpful for you, to explain these concerns to
your satisfaction. However, I think you're unduly presenting a solution
that is insufficient, but also irrelevant to the task at hand.

I think there's enough context on this list for Jeremy to understand the
concerns and address them. And I'm sure you agree that making progress is
more important than satisfying your understanding.

All the best
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