[cabfpub] Ballot 143 - Formalization of Validation Working Group

Jeremy Rowley jeremy.rowley at digicert.com
Mon Feb 16 01:09:18 UTC 2015

Yes - that is the plan.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Sleevi [mailto:sleevi at google.com] 
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 5:50 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot 143 - Formalization of Validation Working Group


To confirm, will this newly-formalized WG be operated consistent with Section 5.3 of our Bylaws? Specifically:

"With the approval of the Chair, Working Groups may establish separate list-servs, wikis, and web pages for their communications, but all such separate list-servs must be managed in the same fashion as the Public Mail List."

The existing EV WG does not operate according to the above, so I'm wanting to know how this newly formalized group will be handled if the motion succeeds.


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