[cabfpub] Validation Working Group’s draft ballot to revise the current BR on domain validation methods
kirk_hall at trendmicro.com
kirk_hall at trendmicro.com
Fri Aug 28 17:50:21 UTC 2015
I attach the Validation Working Group’s draft ballot to revise the current BR on domain validation methods for review and discussion at the next Forum teleconference call on Sept. 3. This is not a pre-ballot, but instead is a draft the VWG wants to use to generate comments from the Forum for further consideration. You will see there are a number of “open issues” where we want input from the Members.
The attached draft includes the following Summary of Changes at the start, which is important to help guide the discussion. We welcome all comments.
Summary of changes
The primary purpose of this change is to replace Domain Validation item 7 "Using any other method of confirmation which has at least the same level of assurance as those methods previously described" with a specific list of the approved domain validation methods (including new methods proposed by Members). This ballot also tightens up and clarifies the existing Domain Validation methods 1 through 6. This revised BR describes the methods that CAs may use to confirm domain ownership or control. Other validation methods can be added in the future.
The Validation Working Group believes the domain validation rules should follow the current BR structure as much as possible so the changes are easy to understand, be worded as simply and clearly as possible so as to be easily implemented by CAs worldwide, and should avoid unnecessary complications or additional requirements that don’t address with a realistic security threat. If a Forum Member wants to add any new requirements to these validation methods should be added, the Validation Working Group would prefer that the new requirements be proposed and discussed by separate ballot.
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