[cabfpub] about EV period for Gov

i-barreira at izenpe.net i-barreira at izenpe.net
Fri Nov 21 09:17:58 UTC 2014

Basically in Europe (and depending on every national legislation) the vetting procedures are not tied to the lifecicle of the certificate. For example, for QCs, the vetting is every 5 years, but you can issue certs with lower validity periods.

Iñigo Barreira
Responsable del Área técnica
i-barreira at izenpe.net

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-----Mensaje original-----
De: public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] En nombre de Gervase Markham
Enviado el: miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014 16:54
Para: kirk_hall at trendmicro.com; CABFPub
Asunto: Re: [cabfpub] about EV period for Gov

On 19/11/14 00:23, kirk_hall at trendmicro.com wrote:
> I’m not taking a position either way, but there are more possibilities 
> if vetting cycles are not necessarily linked to maximum certificate 
> lifespan.

That's an interesting idea.

Are CAs able to give some idea as to the relative weight behind various possible reasons for resistance to a lower maximum limit for certificate lifetime? Some reasons might be:

* Hassle and expense of doing the vetting again
* Inconvenience for the customer in having to change their cert
* (Other)


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