[cabfpub] DV/OV UI

Tim Hollebeek THollebeek at trustwave.com
Tue Nov 11 14:13:35 UTC 2014

No, enforcing reasonable minimum security standards across an industry segment is not an anti-trust violation.  X9F, for example, has similar anti-trust rules, but still manages to publish standards for minimum security requirements for payment cards, etc.  I see no reason why the CAB forum and e-commerce is different in this regard.

For example, X9F4 is currently writing a standard on minimum security standards for debit authentication for e-commerce and banking.  That's very similar, and not an anti-trust violation.

Unfortunately, I have not seen much interest from the browser community in protecting payment card authentication information, and that saddens me.  I haven't checked the state of things recently, but way too many browsers are willing to (for example) save CVV numbers, auto-fill forms with them, and sync them to other devices, unless the e-commerce page explicitly goes out of its way to say "don't store this" (which most don't).

I would have to ponder the implications more, but moving all e-commerce payment authentication to EV over time is an idea worth considering.


-----Original Message-----
From: public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Gervase Markham
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:51 AM
To: Dean Coclin; Eddy Nigg; CABFPub
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] DV/OV UI

On 10/11/14 22:19, Dean Coclin wrote:
> Gerv wrote:
> "Can an attacker get an OV certificate with a bogus O field? However
> hard you think that is, it's certainly easier to do that for OV than for EV."
> And it's much, much easier for an attacker to get a DV certificate.

Yes; but not one with bogus fields in it, one would hope!

> 1. Roughly 1/3 of e-commerce websites use DV certificates 2. DV
> certificates are more likely to be used by cybercriminals for
> e-commerce fraud (see #4)

They are also more likely to be used by ecommerce websites, as you note in point 1 :-)

> 3. 25,000 suspected phishing sites were using SSL in the year leading
> up to March 2014

Remind me: are certificates about identity, or trustworthiness?

I think the CAB Forum would be on a rather sticky wicket (to use a British expression) with respect to anti-trust if we tried to ban the sale of DV for e-commerce (or any other application).

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