[cabfpub] Draft Ballot 116 - Bylaw Amendment for Associate Member Category

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Fri Feb 28 21:01:01 UTC 2014

Do you have a red-line version

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Ben Wilson <ben at digicert.com> wrote:

> As discussed at the recent face-to-face meeting, one approach to amending
> the bylaws might be to address each issue separately, starting with the
> Associate Membership category.  So here is a draft Ballot 116 – “Bylaw
> Amendment for Associate Member Category”:
> 1.       In the first sentence of section 1.3, add “Associate Members” so
> that the sentence reads, “Forum Members, Associate Members, and Interested
> Parties must comply with the then-current IPR policy and all applicable
> antitrust laws and regulations during their Forum activities.”
> 2.       Add a new subsection 3.1 to Section 3 titled “Associate Members”
> (and renumber subsequent subsections to subsections 3.2 and 3.3
> accordingly) such that the new subsection 3.1 Associate Members reads, “The
> Forum may enter into associate member relationships with other
> organizations when the CA/Browser Forum determines that maintaining such a
> relationship will be of benefit to the work of the Forum.  In the past,
> entities qualifying as Associate Members have included the AICPA/CICA
> WebTrust Task Force, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute,
> Paypal, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, tScheme,
> the U.S. Federal PKI, and CAs applying for membership but awaiting full
> qualification under Section 2.1.  Participation as an Associate Member is
> by invitation only.  In order to become an Associate Member, an
> organization must sign a mutual letter of intent, understanding, or other
> agreement and the Forum’s IPR Agreement, unless this latter requirement is
> waived in writing by the Forum based on overriding policies of the
> prospective Associate Member’s own organization IPR rules.  Associate
> Members may attend face-to-face meetings, communicate with Forum Members on
> member lists, and access Forum wiki content.  Associate Members are not
> entitled to vote except on special straw polls of the Forum (e.g. when
> selecting meeting dates, locations, etc.)”
> 3.       In the first sentence of section 5.4, add “and Associate
> Members” so that the sentence reads, “From time to time the Forum will hold
> Forum Teleconferences and Forum Meetings among the Members and Associate
> Members, who may participate in person or (where feasible) by
> teleconference.”
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