[cabfpub] Draft Ballot 116 - Bylaw Amendment for Associate Member Category

Ben Wilson ben at digicert.com
Fri Feb 28 00:40:46 UTC 2014

As discussed at the recent face-to-face meeting, one approach to amending
the bylaws might be to address each issue separately, starting with the
Associate Membership category.  So here is a draft Ballot 116 - "Bylaw
Amendment for Associate Member Category":


1.       In the first sentence of section 1.3, add "Associate Members" so
that the sentence reads, "Forum Members, Associate Members, and Interested
Parties must comply with the then-current IPR policy and all applicable
antitrust laws and regulations during their Forum activities."


2.       Add a new subsection 3.1 to Section 3 titled "Associate Members"
(and renumber subsequent subsections to subsections 3.2 and 3.3 accordingly)
such that the new subsection 3.1 Associate Members reads, "The Forum may
enter into associate member relationships with other organizations when the
CA/Browser Forum determines that maintaining such a relationship will be of
benefit to the work of the Forum.  In the past, entities qualifying as
Associate Members have included the AICPA/CICA WebTrust Task Force, the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Paypal, the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, tScheme, the U.S. Federal PKI,
and CAs applying for membership but awaiting full qualification under
Section 2.1.  Participation as an Associate Member is by invitation only.
In order to become an Associate Member, an organization must sign a mutual
letter of intent, understanding, or other agreement and the Forum's IPR
Agreement, unless this latter requirement is waived in writing by the Forum
based on overriding policies of the prospective Associate Member's own
organization IPR rules.  Associate Members may attend face-to-face meetings,
communicate with Forum Members on member lists, and access Forum wiki
content.  Associate Members are not entitled to vote except on special straw
polls of the Forum (e.g. when selecting meeting dates, locations, etc.)"


3.       In the first sentence of section 5.4, add "and Associate Members"
so that the sentence reads, "From time to time the Forum will hold Forum
Teleconferences and Forum Meetings among the Members and Associate Members,
who may participate in person or (where feasible) by teleconference."




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