[cabfpub] Ballot 142 - Elimination of EV Insurance Requirement

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Wed Dec 3 20:46:24 UTC 2014

On 03/12/14 10:24, Robin Alden wrote:
> I think Gerv is entitled to have his ballot on insurance run in
> isolation if that’s the way he wants it, 

Actually, I don't think I'm entitled to that (anyone can submit ballots
any any time), although I do think it would be clearer to do that.

> That holds true even if you choose not to charge
> for the provision of end entity certificates.

I'm concerned that this sentence and other statements in this discussion
hint that people think that all of this is something to do with Let's
Encrypt. How much more clear can I be - it has nothing to do with Let's
Encrypt, with which I am not involved, and who have no intention to
anyone's knowledge to enter the EV market.


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