[cabfpub] RFC6125 and Subject Alternative Name Ballot request.

Adam Langley agl at google.com
Wed Oct 17 07:23:35 MST 2012

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Steve Roylance
<steve.roylance at globalsign.com> wrote:
> I've attached an updated v1.1 so people can see where it all fits in and the
> text itself as a separate file.  Word and PDF versions.

"Each subjectAltName entry MUST be a Domain Name or IP Address"

Really? We want to ban all other types of certificates? The Baseline
states that its scope is "authenticating servers accessible through
the Internet" but Jabber already specifies the use of SRVNames (RFC

(I know that Baseline goes on to say that "IM" is not in scope, but
either that meant some form of personal IM certificate, or it's
contradicting itself.)



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