[cabf_netsec] Draft agenda for NetSec meeting 2020-01-23 17:00 UTC

Neil Dunbar ndunbar at trustcorsystems.com
Tue Jan 14 05:24:42 MST 2020


This is the draft agenda for our next meeting on 23 January 2020, at 17:00 UTC. As always, if there are any requests for changes, email me, and I’ll take care of it.

Apologies for the lateness of this posting (along with the draft minutes - working on those now); will endeavour to get these out in a more timely manner in the future.



| Time | Start (UTC) | Stop  | Item | Description                      | Presenter(s) |
| 0:02 | 17:00       | 17:02 |    1 | Review Agenda                    | Neil         |
| 0:05 | 17:02       | 17:07 |    2 | Agree Last Meeting Minutes       | Neil         |
| 0:10 | 17:07       | 17:17 |    3 | Discuss Communication Methods    | David        |
| 0:05 | 17:17       | 17:23 |    4 | Pain Points Subgroup Update      | David        |
| 0:05 | 17:23       | 17:28 |    5 | Threat Modelling SG Update       | Mariusz      |
| 0:05 | 17:28       | 17:33 |    6 | Document Structuring SG Update   | Ben          |
| 0:17 | 17:33       | 17:50 |    7 | Work on upcoming ballot texts    |              |
| 0:05 | 17:50       | 17:55 |    8 | Any Other Business               |              |
|      |             |       |    9 | Adjourn                          |              |
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