[Infrastructure] Interested Party organization

Martijn Katerbarg martijn.katerbarg at sectigo.com
Fri Mar 25 15:57:39 UTC 2022

Hey all,


It occurred to me that, while we decided to create 1 “interested parties” member org to be used for all natural persons that are an IP, this might have a negative effect when registering which group someone belongs to, specially when we go down to mailing list management later on, and also makes it difficult to register their IPR agreement.


WG membership (and participant type of it) is currently registered based on the member org, which would mean all these natural persons would share the same membership. I don’t think we want that.


Is there any objection to instead adding their full name as a member organization and append it with something such as “(Private Person)”?
This would save us from creating (complicated) exceptions in code, unwanted behaviour yet still allow us to differentiate between them.





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