[Infrastructure] Website Main Menu Reorganization

Ben Wilson bwilson at mozilla.com
Thu Mar 17 15:37:03 UTC 2022

Hi All,

In looking at the top menu, I can remove the "house" image and
corresponding link from the top menu. In trying to keep it simple, I was
thinking that we would have the menu banner read as follows:

Server Certifcates WG
Code Signing Certificates WG
SMIME Certificates WG

I'm proposing that it would NOT include the NetSec WG along the top menu.
Should we include NetSec WG in the top menu banner?  Yes/No

If not, where should we put the NetSec WG link?

Also, Server Cert WG has a lot of sub-links to pages, but the other WGs
don't have many pages to land on. (Charter, Ballots, Requirements, but
that's about it.)

Should more pages be created for those WGs (Members, etc.)?


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