[Infrastructure] 2022-03-09 Meeting Minutes

Corey Bonnell Corey.Bonnell at digicert.com
Wed Mar 9 16:53:05 UTC 2022


Ben Wilson, Corey Bonnell, Dean Coclin, Inigo Barreira, Jim Gorz, Jos
Purvis, Martijn Katerbarg, Thomas Zermeno, Wayne Thayer


Jos read antitrust statement.


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


* netsec-wg repo on Github


Jos mentioned that the netsec-wg GitHub repo was setup. Corey will add
Actions support.


* Membership management web app


Martijn developed a Membership Management web application. Strong consensus
that the application is an improvement over the current process. It was
suggested that attendees can be imported from WebEx. Wayne suggested that we
should allow for different Voting Members in different working groups.


Discussion on person/organization relationships: how to handle when people
move to different organizations? There was agreement that we use work email
addresses will be used to differentiate between users that represent that
the same person but not necessarily their affiliation with a specific


Jos suggested that we have an entity diagram so we can analyze corner cases;
Martijn will share the database schema. Jos offered to setup the application
in AWS for testing.


There was agreement to work on a Membership spreadsheet import script. This
will allow us to test the application with real data.


Ben demonstrated how to download a CSV file of WebEx meeting attendees,
which can be used to automatically import attendees.


Repo URL: https://github.com/cabforum/member-tools. If you require access,
contact Jos.


* Improvements to the ballot process


There was agreement that the difficulty of the balloting process isn't
technical, but rather keeping the scope of ballots reasonable and
disagreements (i.e., not a technical problem that can be resolved by
Infra-SC). It was agreed that we can create a list of volunteers who will
help with the technical aspects of the ballot process on the Wiki.


* Website revamp


Ben will circulate the proposed website redesign again with the larger
group. If no feedback is received, then we will discuss in Infra-SC on next


Ben demoed the new website map. There was agreement that developing a URL
path convention was not very important. It was agreed that we should develop
conventions on the use of tags and also limit the number of tags.


* DNS migration


Jim will perform the migration early next week.




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