[Infrastructure] Draft Notes from Meeting 2/9/2022

Ben Wilson bwilson at mozilla.com
Thu Feb 10 15:36:49 UTC 2022

*Infrastructure Committee Meeting of 2/9/2022*

*Attendees:* Ben Wilson, Corey Bonnell, Daryn Wright, Jos Purvis, Israel
Ventura, Dean Coclin, Jim Gorz, Martijn Katerbarg, Roman Fischer, Thomas
Zermeno, Wayne Thayer

*Antitrust Statement* read by Jos

*Approval of Minutes:* Minutes of 2022-01-26 Meeting were unanimously

*GitHub Issues:*

GitHub space for the NetSec WG needs to be created following the build
instructions. Jos can open the space.  Corey offered to set up the actions.
We should reach out to Ryan Sleevi for any assistance needed with actions
and dependencies.

*Membership Spreadsheet Updates:*

The membership status update form needs to be moved to point to the new
membership spreadsheet.  Also, Wayne said that there is only one major flaw
with the new membership spreadsheet.  On the spreadsheet, when you add
someone to a working group, they automatically get added to the attendance
list, but the problem is that the rows aren’t updated across all columns.
So the attendance list goes off by one row for everyone added. Past
attendance is then off, too. To address this, you have to add rows in the
right place or else the attendance records are off by one.  Does anyone
know a clever trick?

Jos  - This could affect voting and quorum determinations.

Wayne – Whoever is doing it will have to know and remember to do it.
Otherwise, it works great.

Dean - Is there a database we could use?

Jos - We would need forms, and nothing is free. Someone would need to write
the frontend.

Wayne will give Thomas access to look at it. Martijn will also look at it.

*DNS changeover*:

Has been escalated. Jim has put the list into Route 53.

*Face-to-face Preparation*:

We ought to document our major accomplishments and goals for the future.


   - Membership spreadsheet has been re-versioned
   - GitHub actions have been added
   - Ballot tables have been updated on the website

*Goals for 2022-2023:*

   - Membership management. We're on the edge for what you can do with
   - We can add ballot-page updating from GitHub to WordPress.
   - Other Forum documents could be moved to GitHub.
   - Our migration to the wiki could have been better.  Docuwiki hasn't
   been good for uploading documents and media management. We should explore
   moving to another system.
   - Ballot shepherding and creating a better description of ballot
   - New member packet needed for onboarding
   - Automating member management
   - Finish work we started on revamping the website.

Jos presented a prioritized list and a proposed slide for F2F.

   - Membership management
   - Ballot process
   - Website revamp – Ben will recirculate the mind map diagram.

Jos – We need to solicit assistance from the rest of the Forum and/or ask
for everyone to donate anything they might have that will address these

*Amazon infrabot emails* - Jim will look at the configuration of the Amazon

*Next meeting* - Mar. 9, 2022
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