[Infrastructure] Trouble preparing pull request for SC25

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Wed Mar 4 10:32:21 MST 2020

On 2020-03-04 7:27 μ.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 1:14 AM Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) 
> <dzacharo at harica.gr <mailto:dzacharo at harica.gr>> wrote:
>     On 2020-03-03 10:10 μ.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
>>     On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 2:37 PM Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
>>     <dzacharo at harica.gr <mailto:dzacharo at harica.gr>> wrote:
>>         I am having some difficulties preparing a pull request to add
>>         https://github.com/dougbeattie/documents/commit/bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d992
>>         3fcff670cdfc#diff-7f6d14a20e7f3beb696b45e1bf8196f2
>>         <https://github.com/dougbeattie/documents/commit/bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc#diff-7f6d14a20e7f3beb696b45e1bf8196f2>
>>         to cabforum/documents.
>>         I tried
>>         https://github.com/cabforum/documents/compare/master...dougbeattie:bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc
>>         but this adds a lot more changes than just and
>>         Can anyone assist with this? I wanted to create a pull
>>         request, add a commit with the information for tables, etc
>>         and have someone review it before merge to master.
>>     Yup. Now you see why I wanted to streamline the process :)
>>     https://github.com/cabforum/documents/pull/162
>>     The pull request process is messy because Doug's version of the
>>     cabforum repository has gotten out of sync.
>>     https://github.com/dougbeattie/documents/commit/bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc.patch
>>     - you can see that's Doug's commit (and exactly what was voted on)
>>     I did this via the command line. Normally, this wouldn't be
>>     necessary, but the wonky state of Doug's repository made it the
>>     easiest path forward :)
>>     (I made sure my repository and upstream are in sync and w/ no
>>     unnecessary edits)
>>     # Create a new branch for working on Doug's change
>>     $ git checkout -b dougs_change master
>>     # Download Doug's patch
>>     $ wget
>>     https://github.com/dougbeattie/documents/commit/bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc.patch
>>     # Apply it to my repository
>>     $ git am bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc.patch
>>     # Cleanup the temp file; making this an explicit step just so my
>>     process is easily understandable :P
>>     $ rm bb90ff37c4bc043636229138d9923fcff670cdfc.patch
>>     # From my workstation, push my branch "dougs_change" to a remote
>>     branch called "2020-03-03-SC25" in the "origin" repository (which
>>     is what I named my copy on GitHub)
>>     $ git push origin dougs_change:2020-03-03-SC25
>>     Opened the above PR.
>>     You can compare the redline by looking at
>>     https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/cabforum/documents/pull/162.patch and
>>     comparing that with Doug's original patch. For example,
>>     diffnow.com <http://diffnow.com> will let you compare by URLs, or
>>     you can compare those patch files.
>>     Enjoy! :)
>     I certainly enjoy learning about all this and hopefully will be
>     able to help documenting an update process!
>     I'm wondering what would be the best way to make the necessary
>     modifications (versions, table, etc). There is no way for me to
>     commit to your branch and add this to the pull request, so at this
>     point, I could perform one of the following:
> Are you sure? Have you tried editing via the pull request?
> Commits from maintainers into the pull request are permitted. If 
> you're a maintainer of cabforum/documents (and you should be), then 
> you should be able to view the files on the PR and edit directly, 
> commiting directly to my branch or creating your own copy.
> Did you try that?

I can see it now (edit the file). Changing it as we speak :-)

Thanks again.


>      1. Review and merge your pull request
>         (https://github.com/cabforum/documents/pull/162) to master,
>         then create another pull request with the informative changes,
>         get this reviewed and merge to master
>      2. Repeat your process and create an "SC25" branch in the
>         cabforum/documents repo, add another commit with the
>         informative changes, then create a new pull request, review,
>         squash and merge.
>     If there are other options to explore, please let me know. Also, I
>     would appreciate any preference you might have on how to best
>     proceed with this process.
>     Thanks,
>     Dimitris.

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