[Infrastructure] Suggestion for website

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Thu Dec 17 16:48:42 UTC 2020

Yeah, I think where we last left things (from the 11-18 minutes) was that
Ben was going to be exploring a mindmap of the current webpage, so that we
could all work on figuring out navigation that makes sense.

The ballot page is one of the examples that came up on the call as being
odd - currently, we have all ballots for all WGs, but should that be
grouped by the WG? I mention this, because putting list information I think
fits with that question - I think it'd be odd to list all lists for all
CWGs next to ballots, but that's what it'd require in our current structure.

Wayne highlighted that we should focus on user journey/use cases. We know
one prominent use case is "Quickly access the latest version of the
documents". I think you're highlighting another use case, which is "How to
stay aware of what's coming"

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 11:38 AM Tim Hollebeek via Infrastructure <
infrastructure at cabforum.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was talking to someone who follows the CA/Browser Forum, but not
> closely, and he was complaining about not knowing what ballots were being
> drafted and what changes might be coming.  I pointed out that all of that
> information is available on the servercert-wg mailing list.  He was unaware
> the list even existed or was publicly available.
> He suggested that the ballot page might be a reasonable place to indicate
> that this information is publicly available, including a link back to the
> email list page.
> -Tim
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