[Infrastructure] Website refresh

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Mon Dec 16 01:22:48 MST 2019

I'd like to inform everyone that Ryan and Jos are now "Administrators" 
on the management of the public web site, cabforum.org. Any improvements 
are welcome.


On 2019-07-22 5:48 μ.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) wrote:
> Our web site has several links and information that is out-dated and 
> even obsolete. Jos has been acting as webmaster for the past months 
> and has been publishing minutes, ballots, etc. Can someone volunteer 
> to proceed with further web site updates? Some of the inconsistencies 
> spotted by Ryan should be easy fixes. The Bylaws are silent about the 
> general content of the web site so we could give access to any Member 
> that would like to volunteer for this task.
> Dimitris.
> On 1/7/2019 8:01 μ.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
>> I was working on a Github PR to add a contributing.md for folks 
>> wanting to know how to contribute to the Forum [1].
>> When doing so, I noticed that some of the Website information was out 
>> of date, specifically:
>> * Our list of e-mail lists [2] is outdated. I suspect we want to 
>> break this down by CWG and Subcommittee?
>> * Our list of working groups [3] is outdated. I think it's meant to 
>> add the SCWG list?
>> * I suspect the Working Groups page [3] should refer to our 
>> Information for Potential Members [4] on how to get started.
>> * With the adoption of our new Bylaws, I think [4] needs to be 
>> updated to refer to the CWG conditions for membership?
>> * Our information for Potential Members [4] doesn't reference for 
>> Interested Parties wanting to join.
>> * More broadly, our header bar appears to have two "Home" buttons - 
>> one of which includes a drop-down list of options ( "The Public", 
>> "Site Owners and Administrators", "Developers", "Auditors and 
>> Assessors", "Potential Members"), the other doesn't. I'm guessing one 
>> should be removed?
>> [1] 
>> https://help.github.com/en/articles/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors
>> [2] https://cabforum.org/email-lists/
>> [3] https://cabforum.org/working-groups/
>> [4] https://cabforum.org/information-for-potential-members/
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