[cabf_governance] Late change request to IPR Policy - Proposed change to definition of "Affiliates"

Dimitris Zacharopoulos jimmy at it.auth.gr
Thu Mar 22 23:54:23 MST 2018

On 23/3/2018 1:33 πμ, Virginia Fournier via Govreform wrote:
> If we make the requested change, we would likely have to*restart*the 
> informal discussion period, formal discussion period, and voting 
> period timetable, meaning the process would be*delayed further.* When 
> other members see that a last minute change was accommodated,*more 
> changes could be requested,*creating further delays.

I believe we are currently in the formal discussion period but 
restarting is not necessary. The official discussion period can extend 
the 7 days per Bylaws 2.3 (c). Here is part of 2.3 (c):

"The discussion period then shall take place for at least seven calendar 
days before votes are cast. At any time, a new version of the ballot 
(marked with a distinguishing version number) may be posted by the 
proposer in the same manner as the original. Once no new version of the 
ballot has been posted for seven calendar days, the proposer may end the 
discussion period and start the voting period by reposting the final 
version of the ballot and clearly indicating that voting is to begin, 
along with the start and end dates and times (including time zone) for 
the voting period".

Once you have all the changes ready, the final version of the ballot 
will be posted and you will indicate the start and end time for voting.

Please note per the same section, once an official discussion period 
begins, the voting must begin within 21 calendar days otherwise it 
automatically fails.

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