[cabf_governance] Who Must Sign the IPR?

Ben Wilson ben.wilson at digicert.com
Thu Jun 14 08:46:34 MST 2018



An issue from the London face-to-face meeting resurfaced today on the CABF
call.  That is, who must sign the IPR agreement?  I believe that many
members of the CABF would like a recommendation from this working group.


I think it has been pretty clear, at least in practice, that someone with
authority for an organization that is a member must sign the IPR agreement.
For Interested Parties who are individuals, their signature on the IPR
Agreement is pretty straightforward.  But things get a little fuzzy when we
deal with other scenarios.  The most unclear situation is when we are
dealing with associations of other organizations and individuals - viz. ETSI
and WebTrust who send representatives to  our meetings.  Another example is
where an entity appoints another entity as its agent (recognized
representative) for discussions/votes.  For this latter situation, a side
issue is what should we require as evidence of the agency relationship.





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