[cabf_governance] [cabfpub] CAB Forum Countdown to IPR Agreement deadline

Mehner, Carl Carl.Mehner at usaa.com
Thu Apr 19 10:13:47 MST 2018

Thanks Virginia, Ben took care of the duplicate 1.3 document I found. As for the other questions, I went back and read the bylaws and found all my answers!

Question 2: a “written request” is made which triggers the 90 days signature requirement.
“…Interested Parties will be required to execute and return a new IPR Agreement within 90 days of the Forum’s written request”
Question 3: they don’t, they send it to the chair.
“… Interested Parties must execute and return to the Chair”

Thanks again,

From: vfournier at apple.com [mailto:vfournier at apple.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 5:35 PM
To: Mehner, Carl <Carl.Mehner at usaa.com>
Cc: CA/Browser Forum Governance WG List <Govreform at cabforum.org>
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [cabfpub] CAB Forum Countdown to IPR Agreement deadline

Hi again,

There are not two IPR policy v. 1.3 documents on the main website.  One document is the “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy v. 1.3 - this is the full policy document.  The other document is the “CAB Forum Agreement for IPR Policy v.1.3,” which is the signature page members need to sign to indicate agreement to the IPR Policy.  Were you able to open these documents to see that they are different?  Please make sure you’re going to this page, and make sure you refresh your browser:  https://cabforum.org/ipr-policy/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__cabforum.org_ipr-2Dpolicy_&d=DwMFaQ&c=4VfW4Y7UDKzr0jHM1Tk29w&r=7jcwf_nHftJUeeRf0f1hEhoYPns7FKYpnjAfuly83Yc&m=FV7wXofS6GycT7fr7SuLp3fVlz-NCUkqOfI4mzHZE4I&s=b8cHd-MxxwTYdCrTAjYxm78bDt4Ep0oNBFxj9fUv-R8&e=>

While I am getting the answer to the question about the wiki, you may send your signed agreement page to me by email.  Please make sure it is dated.  I will make sure it gets uploaded to the wiki.

Best regards,

Virginia Fournier
Senior Standards Counsel
 Apple Inc.
☏ 669-227-9595
✉︎ vmf at apple.com<mailto:vmf at apple.com>

On Apr 18, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Virginia Fournier <vfournier at apple.com<mailto:vfournier at apple.com>> wrote:

Hi Carl,

I will check for you on the wiki.

Regarding your second question, each member is responsible for keeping track of the July 3rd deadline on their  own, just like any other business deadlines that member may have.  Everyone has the same deadline, and this date will not change.  The deadline is July 3rd.  Out of courtesy and not necessity, I plan to send out periodic notices like the one below to remind members of the deadline.

Best regards,

Virginia Fournier
Senior Standards Counsel
 Apple Inc.
☏ 669-227-9595
✉︎ vmf at apple.com<mailto:vmf at apple.com>

On Apr 18, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Mehner, Carl <Carl.Mehner at usaa.com<mailto:Carl.Mehner at usaa.com>> wrote:

Hi Virginia,

How do interested parties 1) access the wiki to get the new IPR, 2) get notified when the IPR is expiring so that they don’t miss out on signing it in time? 3) How would an interested party upload the signed agreement if they cannot access the wiki?

For #1, is that answer that the definitive version is on the main site<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__cabforum.org_documents_-23Intellectual-2DProperty-2DRights-2DPolicy-2DDocuments&d=DwMFaQ&c=4VfW4Y7UDKzr0jHM1Tk29w&r=7jcwf_nHftJUeeRf0f1hEhoYPns7FKYpnjAfuly83Yc&m=FV7wXofS6GycT7fr7SuLp3fVlz-NCUkqOfI4mzHZE4I&s=9E-SIEN_bwU5InV_oLJZ4xdN9nq8qCxS0LWbzEDWFVI&e=>, not the wiki? If so, there seem to be two v1.3’s on that site, with different effective dates. (the email-lists site<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__cabforum.org_email-2Dlists_&d=DwMFaQ&c=4VfW4Y7UDKzr0jHM1Tk29w&r=7jcwf_nHftJUeeRf0f1hEhoYPns7FKYpnjAfuly83Yc&m=FV7wXofS6GycT7fr7SuLp3fVlz-NCUkqOfI4mzHZE4I&s=MPk2iFNgtQbm3AxPKz9WMoBzL_gKBTXBAOFGN_jprNg&e=> points to the older of the two versions and has no instructions on where to send the signed agreement).

Carl Mehner

From: Public [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Virginia Fournier via Public
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 1:53 PM
To: CA/Browser Forum Public Discussion List <public at cabforum.org<mailto:public at cabforum.org>>
Subject: EXTERNAL: [cabfpub] CAB Forum Countdown to IPR Agreement deadline

75 days until July 3, the deadline to get your IPR Agreement signed and submitted.

Here’s the wiki url, where you can download the IPR Policy v. 1.3 and the IPR Policy Agreement, and upload your signed agreement.


Don’t wait until the last minute!

Best regards,

Virginia Fournier
Senior Standards Counsel
 Apple Inc.
☏ 669-227-9595
✉︎ vmf at apple.com<mailto:vmf at apple.com>

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