[cabf_governance] [Ticket#2016051601012793] Preliminary Work on Governance Models
LeaderTelecom B.V.
info at leadertelecom.nl
Mon May 16 15:40:30 MST 2016
> If we're broadening the scope of the forum to encompass code signing,
> certificates, client certs, document signing, and so forth, I think the name
> "CA/Browser Forum" isn't as useful any longer. Those are certainly the
critical parties
> when it comes to SSL/TLS for the Web, but there are a number of other groups
> get involved in each of those subgroups in place of—or alongside—browsers:
> hardware manufacturers, software companies, and so forth. To that end, I'd
> something more like "Digital Certificate Standards Forum", with subgroups
under it for
> each of the focus areas.
True, we are in face of growing IoT industry which need certificates.
Another possible names for new CA/B Forum:
- Digital Security Certificates Forum.
- Security Certificates Forum.
- Digital Security Certificates Consortium.
Kind regards,
Aleksei Ivanov
Managing Director
16.05.2016 21:39 - Jos Purvis wrote:
Some quick off-the-cuff responses to provide fodder for discussion:
If we're broadening the scope of the forum to encompass code signing,
hardware certificates, client certs, document signing, and so forth, I think
the name "CA/Browser Forum" isn't as useful any longer. Those are certainly
the critical parties when it comes to SSL/TLS for the Web, but there are a
number of other groups that get involved in each of those subgroups in place
of—or alongside—browsers: hardware manufacturers, software companies, and so
forth. To that end, I'd propose something more like "Digital Certificate
Standards Forum", with subgroups under it for each of the focus areas.
I would further suggest the subgroups be titled "Forum", "Subcommittee",
"Standards Group", or the like--"Working Group" suggests an ad-hoc formation
like the PAG that might be disbanded, and thus might not be expected to have
its own IPR and functional rules. That could be just me being overly
language-specific, though. :)
For the umbrella org (the "DCSF", if you will), I do think you would need
some kind of leadership council/board of directors. I would avoid making two
of them (too much bureaucratic overhead, too many meetings, too much potential
for conflict), but instead make one with a set of standing officers and then
representation from each of the subgroups. That leads to the question of
whether the officers for that would be elected (and how) and under what sorts
of terms.
Jos Purvis ([1]jopurvis at cisco.com) | _.|._.|._ cisco systems
Cryptographic Compliance, Identity Assurance Services
+1 919.991.9114 (desk) | PGP: 0x89a3b545 / 0x07d19105
On 2016-May-16, 14:24, "[2]govreform-bounces at cabforum.org on behalf of Ben
Wilson" <[3]govreform-bounces at cabforum.org on behalf of
[4]ben.wilson at digicert.com> wrote:
Prior to our face-to-face meeting next week, I think we have some
preliminary matters that we should consider.
For instance, do members prefer that the CA/B Forum remain the umbrella
organization (if we’re going to have an umbrella organization).
Or should a new umbrella organization be created? Consider these two
The names are just placeholders. Do we want to use “Forum”, “Working Group,”
“Standing Committee”, “Subcommittee”, “Technical Committee”, etc?
Should governance policies/procedures be documented outside of the Bylaws in a
document titled “Rules of Association”, “Operating Procedures”, or similar?
Should the umbrella organization have a Board of Directors/Trustees, Steering
Committee, Leadership/Management Council, or similar? If so, should there be
two such upper-level bodies (Board and a Council) with differing
One reason for the approach taken above is that I am assuming we want
committee/group structures with the ability of each committee/group to have a
different IPR Policy. Thoughts on this?
[1] mailto:jopurvis at cisco.com
[2] mailto:govreform-bounces at cabforum.org
[3] mailto:govreform-bounces at cabforum.org
[4] mailto:ben.wilson at digicert.com
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