[Cscwg-public] Final CSCWG Minutes June 30, 2022

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Fri Jul 15 16:20:54 UTC 2022

Code Signing Working Group Meeting of 2022-06-30

Attendees: Andrea Holland (SecureTrust), Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Corey 
Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo 
Barreira (Sectigo), Janet Hines (SecureTrust), Joanna Fox (TrustCor), Martijn 
Katerbarg (Sectigo), Roberto Quinones (Intel), Tim Crawford (CPA 

Antitrust Statement: Read by Dean Coclin

Minute Taker: Martijn Katerbarg

Minutes of the June F2F meeting were approved

Signing Service discussion (continued)

With Bruce being absent from this meeting and having worked a great deal on 
this item, the group decided to hold off on discussing this item.

Timestamping (continued)

Ian has checked with Karina. They are working on doing a broad update of the 
root policy requirements and will be bundling this in.

Corey mentioned that we should be doing a cleanup ballot and then work on a 
ballot for a number of timestamp items

Proposal to revocation based on malware

Martijn sent out an email on Monday with a proposal to change the language 
related to malware revocation. As of yesterday, there is also a draft pull 
request available on Github ( 

There were no direct comments to the proposal

Other Business

Dean brought up having issues with write access on the code-signing Github 
repository. It was confirmed the pull-request was merged, meaning Github is up 
to date after CSC-14 has passed.

Corey suggested the Infrastructure subcommittee might need to address the 
overall Github access setup

The next meeting is set for July 14th.


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