[Cscwg-public] FInal Minutes of CSCWG May 6 2021

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Mon May 24 20:57:43 UTC 2021


Final Minutes for May 6, 2021 CSCWG meeting



- Andrea Holland

- Atsushi Inaba

- Bruce Morton

- Chris Kemmerer

- Corey Bonnell

- Dean Coclin

- Dimitris Zacharopoulos

- Ian McMillan

- Inigo Barreira

- Janet Hines

- Mike Reilly

- Sebastian Schulz

- Tim Crawford


Minute-taker: Tim Crawford


Antitrust statement was read by Dean.


Minutes for April 22nd meeting were approved.


Certificate policy OID for time stamping: Mike Reilly and Microsoft agree
with adding the policy OID to the CSBRs. CSWG understands concerns brought

by the Forum, but feels this is the best way to indicate a dedicated
hierarchy.  CSWG is moving forward and will explain this concept on Forum
call next week.


Clean-up ballot:

Bruce should have a ballot for comments next week, not ready for a vote yet,
will be sent to distribution list.


BR SSL version numbers in CSBR:

Current requirements are pinned to certain version number. We not we are not
getting the benefits of updates to the BRs. Discussions included if this
should be considered with an update to RFC 3647 format. Items that have been
determined to benefit, such as log retention requirements will be included
in the clean-up ballot. The remaining log retention issue needs to be
completed by the Network Security Group to remove the conflict in retention
requirements for validation requirement logs.


Signing Service:

Should we have a subcommittee to clarify requirements? CSWG determined we
will invite other participants to another group. This invitation will be
distributed through current DL and Forum DLs. Dean has the action to send

the invite.


Application from Comsign:

Comsign is not issuing CS certs, but plans to, Dean proposed admitting as an
Associate Member. The question was raised if Associate Member is the right

status and it was determined to be acceptable. A consensus vote to accept
Comsign as an Associate Member was held and approved. Dean will reach out to
Comsign to inform.



Meeting adjourned.



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