[cabf_validation] [EXTERNAL]Re: Including LEIs as extensions in EV certificates

Wayne Thayer wthayer at mozilla.com
Tue Sep 24 08:56:19 MST 2019

Ah, okay. Then I'm not terribly confused - I had just forgotten the
requirement to place the info in both the Subject and an extension.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 5:47 PM Ryan Sleevi via Validation <
validation at cabforum.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 11:35 AM Wayne Thayer via Validation <
> validation at cabforum.org> wrote:
>> I'm running on not much sleep, so it's quite possible that I am [extra]
>> confused, however I was literally referring to Tim's ballot proposal:
>> https://github.com/cabforum/documents/compare/master...timfromdigicert:Ballot-LEI?expand=1
> No worries.
> Appendix G (which adds LEI as a registration scheme) slots into
> organizationIdentifier (for now), and into Section 9.8.2,
> cabfOrganizationIdentifier, which is an extension within the certificate
> itself (i.e. instead of using the X.500 organizationIdentifier attribute)
> Effective 2020-Jan-1, CAs including PSD2 information MUST use the
> extension if the organizationIdentifier is to be filled.
> This creates the path for either ETSI ESI to transition to the extension
> or for browsers to eventually reject certificates (and CAs) that include
> the information in the Subject. By mandating the extension is present, it
> ensures that the use of the Subject field is only temporary, and only until
> ETSI ESI can update, or alternative schemes for meeting the eIDAS
> Regulation are developed (e.g. using something other than ETSI ESI's
> materials)
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