[Smcwg-public] Adoption of S/MIME Baseline Requirements v1.0.0 (with attachment)

Stephen Davidson Stephen.Davidson at digicert.com
Tue Jan 3 20:06:25 UTC 2023

(Another attempt to send with attachment)

The Intellectual Property Review (IPR) period for Ballot SMC01 (Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted S/MIME Certificates) has completed. No IPR Exclusion Notices were filed, and the ballot is adopted as of January 01, 2023. The S/MIME BR become effective on September 01, 2023.

The S/MIME Baseline Requirements version 1.0.0 is attached in PDF form.  The new S/MIME BR have also been published to the CABF public website<https://cabforum.org/smime-br/> in accordance with the Bylaws.

Best regards,
Stephen Davidson, Chair
CA/Browser Forum S/MIME Certificate Working Group<https://cabforum.org/working-groups/smime-certificate-wg/>

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