[Smcwg-public] S/MIME changes in Apple Root Certificate Program

Stephen Davidson Stephen.Davidson at digicert.com
Mon Jan 31 18:56:50 UTC 2022

Relevant to the work of the SMCWG, Apple has made updates to its Certificate Program requirements, some of which impact S/MIME Certificates:

Effective April 1, 2022, S/MIME certificates must:

********* include the emailProtection EKU

********* include at least one subjectAlternativeName rFC822Name value containing an email address

********* not have a validity period greater than 1185 days

********* use a signature hash algorithm of greater than or equal strength to SHA-256 (see section and of the CA/B Forum’s Baseline Requirements).

********* meet the following key size requirements:

o   For RSA key pairs, the modulus size must be at least 2048 bits when encoded and its size in bits must be evenly divisible by 8.

o   For ECDSA key pairs, the key must represent a valid point on the NIST P‐256, NIST P‐384 or NIST P‐521 named elliptic curve.

The full detail is at https://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/ca_program.html

Regards, Stephen

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