[Servercert-wg] Servercert-wg Digest, Vol 69, Issue 3

Peter Miškovič Peter.Miskovic at disig.sk
Fri Mar 8 10:33:27 UTC 2024

Disig votes "YES" on  Ballot SC-69v3 Clarify router and firewall logging requirements.

Peter Miskovic

Today's Topics:

   1. [Voting Period Begins]: SC-69v3 Clarify router and firewall
      logging requirements (Martijn Katerbarg)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 10:59:08 +0000
From: Martijn Katerbarg <martijn.katerbarg at sectigo.com>
To: CA/B Forum Server Certificate WG Public Discussion List
	<servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
Subject: [Servercert-wg] [Voting Period Begins]: SC-69v3 Clarify
	router and firewall logging requirements
	<SA1PR17MB6503EC84A2137CF08006F388E3232 at SA1PR17MB6503.namprd17.prod.outlook.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

This ballot aims to clarify what data needs to be logged as part of the "Firewall and router activities" logging requirement in the Baseline Requirements. 
This ballot is proposed by Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo) and endorsed by Daniel Jeffery (Fastly) and Ben Wilson (Mozilla). 
--- Motion Begins ---
This ballot modifies the ?Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates" ("Baseline Requirements"), based on Version 2.0.2. 
MODIFY the Baseline Requirements as specified in the following Redline: https://github.com/cabforum/servercert/compare/41f01640748fa612386f8b1a3031cd1bff3d4f35...d5bd141e14de098ff00c10de7cf500668cbc6843 <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcabforum%2Fservercert%2Fcompare%2F41f01640748fa612386f8b1a3031cd1bff3d4f35...d5bd141e14de098ff00c10de7cf500668cbc6843&data=05%7C02%7Cmartijn.katerbarg%40sectigo.com%7C5eccf95fe>
--- Motion Ends ---
This ballot proposes a Final Maintenance Guideline. The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows: 
Discussion (at least 7 days) 

1. Start time: 2024-02-26 07:00:00 UTC
2. End time: 2024-03-04 11:00:00 UTC
Vote for approval (7 days) 

1. Start time: 2024-03-04 11:00:00 UTC
2. End time: 2024-03-11 11:00:00 UTC 

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