[Servercert-wg] EV Certificates through automation / Pre-Authorized Certificate Approver (API)

Doug Beattie doug.beattie at globalsign.com
Fri Feb 2 18:42:30 UTC 2024

Hi Paul,


Yea, that's a lot of good information, but I keep coming back to "what's the
value of the certificate approver, especially within a managed account, for
EV in 2024"?  Do we need to have designated individuals as the only people
that can request EV domains and certificates?  When EVGL was initially
written the differentiators for EV were much larger than today, and with
automation being pushed by customers and root programs, can we re-look at
this and determine if all of the these roles and permissions are still
necessary?  If it were up to me, I'd make EV issuance the same as OV with
the exception of the increased verified organizational information/rules so
we can standardize and streamline TLS EV domain validation and issuance.
We've already aligned the domain validation methods and certificate validity





I get that this certificate has additional details in it, but is the ability
to bind domains to this request (or identity in the case of a manages
service) or require that these only be submitted by a specific privileged
person still relevant?  It's not necessary for OV and am wondering if all of
this mapping from a designated certificate approver person to API
credentials and specific roles and permissions is overly complicated 


From: Paul van Brouwershaven <Paul.vanBrouwershaven at entrust.com> 
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 10:02 AM
To: Doug Beattie <doug.beattie at globalsign.com>; CA/B Forum Server
Certificate WG Public Discussion List <servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
Subject: Re: EV Certificates through automation / Pre-Authorized Certificate
Approver (API)


An ACME key and API key are both credentials but just in a different from, I
provided the examples with API keys as these are most widely used today.


We do indeed use the External Account Binding (EAB), and this works for a
setup where the user can configure the ACME server at the Cloud Service
Provider (ACME client) and provide the EAB to the Cloud Service Provider,
unfortunately this is rarely the case, as I presented at F2F#59 in Redmond
f> .


This is why we have been working on an auto discovery mechanism
/>  for ACME, and this works fine for domain validated certificates as you
do not need an EAB for that, but we would also like to ensure that identity
certificates can be supported by this proposal.


A domain and organization can be pre-linked at the CA, after verification of
domain control and the organization identity.


With ACME its simple to validate domain control for each request, this could
be precondition when there is no explicit and unique account binding. But
proving domain control does not equal an authorization of a Certificate
Approver as required for the issuance of an EV certificate. 


Like linking an ACME client key via an External Account Binding (EAB) to a
Pre-Authorized Certificate Approver, according to 11.8.4 of the EVG, to
support EV certificates over ACME. We could link the ACME keys of an Cloud
Service Provider at the CA side without EAB if these would be disclosed for
linking (like via a manual or by publishing them to the well-known


My initial thought is that this would give the same guarantee as when the
user provides an EAB to the Cloud Service Provider which links that to an
ACME client key that is shared between all customers as we are just
reversing the process.


> Do we need the concept of Certificate Approver? 

The idea that a human approves individual certificates requests doesn't
align with the desire for automation. 


The concept of a Pre-Authorized certificate approver (EVG 11.8.4) seems to
be trying to address this issue by allowing multiple future EV Certificate


With API keys linked to Pre-Authorized certificate approvers, we assume that
all requests made with this API key are on behalf of that Pre-Authorized
certificate approver, where in reality they are made by a system, which
could be a third party. 


I think we want to have approval by the organization that certificates which
include the organization in the subject DN can be issued for a given domain
name/FQDN, but this is something that can be pre-approved for each domain
name/FQDN and doesn't have to be specified per certificate request.





From: Doug Beattie
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2024 12:48
To: Paul van Brouwershaven; CA/B Forum Server Certificate WG Public
Discussion List
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: EV Certificates through automation / Pre-Authorized
Certificate Approver (API) 


Hi Paul,


Thanks for that presentation.


I'm assuming that Entrust uses External Account Binding (EAB) to link the
MAC key and KeyID to the customer account.  Are these the API credentials
you're referring to in the presentation?


Another way to look into automating for EV is asking the question: Do we
need the concept of Certificate Approver?  While there was probably value in
this back when the EVGs were created, is there continued value of this in
2024, especially in light of the need to automate?






From: Servercert-wg <servercert-wg-bounces at cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Paul
van Brouwershaven via Servercert-wg
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 12:41 PM
To: CA/B Forum Server Certificate WG Public Discussion List
<servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
Subject: [Servercert-wg] EV Certificates through automation / Pre-Authorized
Certificate Approver (API)


As briefly introduced on the Server Certificate WG Teleconference, I would
like to bring up a topic around the use of API keys that are linked to a
Pre-Authorized Certificate Approver.


Please find some reference slides attached.


Slide 3: 
How I think API keys with a Pre-Authorized Certificate Approver are
implemented today.


Slide 4: 
If the API key fulfills the same requirements and is authorized by the
Certificate Approver, does it matter who creates/holds the API key with
authorization of the Certificate Approver?


Slide 5: 
Does this change if the authorization was given based on a reference to an
API key, like located in a well-known directory of the Cloud Service
Provider (CSP)? The idea is that this could enable ACME auto discovery
/>  for OV and EV certificates as the Certificate Approver explicitly
approves the CSP to request certificates on their behalf.


It would be great to get people's thoughts on this!




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