[Servercert-wg] Final SCWG agenda for August 29th

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Wed Aug 28 14:49:23 UTC 2024

Here is the final agenda for the subject call. Clint Wilson is scheduled to
take minutes.


Server Certificate Working Group Agenda – 29 August 2024

1.	Begin Recording and Roll Call 
2.	Read Note-well 
3.	Review Agenda 
4.	Minutes:

*	Minutes from SCWG call August 1st circulated on August 5th.

5.	Membership:

*	Christopher Stinson as Interested Party. Applied on July 2nd.
*	Rob Brady as Interested Party. Applied on August 22nd.

6.	Issues/topics to discuss

*	GitHub´s open issues triage (10 issues per call min), starting on
*	PAG update

7.	Ballot Status – see list below
8.	Any Other Business
9.	Next call: Sept 12th 
10.	Adjourn


*	Passed

*	SC77: Update WebTrust Audit name in Section 8.4 and References

*	Failed

*	None

*	Voting Period

*	None

*	Discussion Period

*	SC76: Clarify and improve OCSP requirements

*	Review Period 

*	SC71: Terms of Use

*	Draft / Under Consideration

*	SCXX – Profiles cleanup ballot – on hold



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