[Servercert-wg] Final minutes of SCWG May 11, 2023

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Thu May 25 16:07:06 UTC 2023


Final Server Certificate Working Group Minutes - 11 May 2023


1.	Roll Call: Aaron Gable - (Let's Encrypt), Aaron Poulsen - (Amazon),
Adam Jones - (Microsoft), Ben Wilson - (Mozilla), Brianca Martin - (Amazon),
Bruce Morton - (Entrust), Chris Clements - (Google), Clint Wilson - (Apple),
Corey Bonnell - (DigiCert), Corey Rasmussen - (OATI), Daryn Wright -
(GoDaddy), David Kluge - (Google), Dean Coclin - (DigiCert), Dimitris
Zacharopoulos - (HARICA), Doug Beattie - (GlobalSign), Dustin Hollenback -
(Microsoft), Ellie Lu - (TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.), Enrico Entschew -
(D-TRUST), Fumi Yoneda - (Japan Registry Services), Inaba Atsushi -
(GlobalSign), Inigo Barreira - (Sectigo), Janet Hines - (VikingCloud),
Joanna Fox - (TrustCor Systems), Jos Purvis - (Fastly), Karina Sirota -
(Microsoft), Kiran Tummala - (Microsoft), Mads Henriksveen - (Buypass AS),
Marcelo Silva - (Visa), Marco Schambach - (IdenTrust), Martijn Katerbarg -
(Sectigo), Michelle Coon - (OATI), Nargis Mannan - (VikingCloud), Nate Smith
- (GoDaddy), Paul van Brouwershaven - (Entrust), Pedro Fuentes - (OISTE
Foundation), Peter Miskovic - (Disig), Rebecca Kelley - (Apple), RIch Smith
- (DigiCert), Rollin Yu - (TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.), Ryan Dickson -
(Google), Stephen Davidson - (DigiCert), Tadahiko Ito - (SECOM Trust
Systems), Thomas Zermeno - (SSL.com), Tim Hollebeek - (DigiCert), Tobias
Josefowitz - (Opera Software AS), Wayne Thayer - (Fastly), Wendy Brown - (US
Federal PKI Management Authority), Yoshiro Yoneya - (Japan Registry
2.	Read Antitrust Statement  (* not needed since read in earlier
3.	Review Agenda: No changes.
4.	Minutes: 30 March minutes approved.  27 April: not yet circulated
5.	Certificate consumers moratorium ballot proposed by Ben Wilson:
looking for another endorser. Ben clarified that the moratorium would be
temporary, depending on how quickly the Forum could revise rules for
6.	Memberships:

*	Yahoo as Interested Party - approved
*	CommScope - still pending IPR signature
*	QikFox - IPR signature is valid. However, this issue relates to the
moratorium ballot. Dimitris proposed to approve as Certificate Consumer
member, since no moratorium is currently in place. Ben stated Mozilla's
dissent on this and doesn't plan on asking for a vote. Tim said that if
anyone objects, they should propose a ballot for membership. Toby wasn't
convinced that there was consensus.  Clint also logged his dissent to the
consensus. Bruce asked if we could wait for Ben's moratorium ballot to pass.
Tim said that the applicant has a right to hear back soon. Ryan Dickson said
it makes more sense to wait. Paul thought it wasn't fair to make them wait
for the ballot to pass which could take several weeks. Tim agreed, and said
there is no precedent in the bylaws for delaying. Dimitris agreed. Daryn
said the bylaws don't have a provision for cases where there is a dissent
but don't call for a vote. Clint stated that he hasn't been able to confirm
that the applicant is actually a browser, as it appears payment is required
to use it. Could a test copy or license be provided? Ben said that's
probably not needed as he confirmed that it is in fact a browser. Jos
suggested that those not part of the consensus "stand aside", meaning that
the group has settled on a consensus you do not agree with but you are not
willing to impede their progress. Martijn also suggested the term "abstain".
Ben said he stands aside. Time ran out for further discussion and the item
was tabled to the next meeting. 
*	Logius - membership change, to be removed from SCWG as full member,
change to Interested Party.  But wants to be added to S/MIME, which will
need to be approved by that group. Discussion as to whether they need to
re-sign IPR. Tim suggested we table removing them from SCWG until they have
been accepted in S/MIME WG. Dimitris said we don't need to wait. Jos
suggested we put this back on the agenda for the next meeting for
administrative reasons. Inigo asked that how would we know about other root
status' if others like Logius didn't' contact us?  Dimitris said they have
self declared their change in status. The bylaws allow for challenges and
it's up to members to do so. 


Next call: 25 May



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