[Servercert-wg] Final SCWG agenda - March 16 11:30 ET
Inigo Barreira
Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Wed Mar 15 10:50:09 UTC 2023
Here is the final agenda for the subject call.
Server Certificate Working Group Agenda - 16 March 2023
1. Roll Call and Begin Recording (* not needed)
2. Read Antitrust Statement (* not needed)
3. Review Agenda
4. Minutes of last call (16 February) were approved
5. CommScope membership application
6. Issues to discuss:
* GitHub issues (76 open and 88 closed, some are more than 4 years
1. #337 and #420 --> changing of the document title: BRs to TLS BRs
2. #370 --> "annual" audits. Considering recent change done by the
Chrome program
3. #417 --> Parked CA keys
* Future for the EV Guidelines:
1. Fix inconsistencies between BRs and EVGs
2. Convert it into RFC 3647 format
3. Integrate it into TLS BRs and therefore be RFC 3647 compatible and
follow other WGs (CS) style and have only one document to maintain
7. Ballot Status - see list below
8. Any Other Business
9. Next call: 30 March
10. Adjourn
* Passed
* SC61v4: Incorporation of Mozilla Revocation Reason Codes. Under IPR
* Failed
* None
* Voting Period
* SC62: Certificate profiles. Ends Thursday 16th.
* Discussion Period
* None
* Review Period
* None
* Draft / Under Consideration
* SC59 - Revival of Debian Weak Keys Ballot - Chris Kemmerer (SSL.com)
* SCXX - SLO/Response for CRL & OCSP Responses - David Kluge (Google)
/ Clint Wilson (Apple): on hold
* SCXX - Make OCSP optional, require CRLs - Chris (Google). On hold?
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