[Servercert-wg] SC-59 Weak Key Guidance v.2 - Discussion Period

Tom Zermeno tom at ssl.com
Mon Jun 26 21:52:27 UTC 2023


While the ballot does not specifically address the concerns about the value
of Debian checks, etc., I felt that the removal of the review should be
better considered in a future ballot initiative. SSL.com believes that an
overabundance of caution is beneficial to the community, even if it is a
drain on resources. We hope that the ballot, as presented, does not
represent an overwhelming burden on CAs. 

We do agree with the sentiment that most weak-key submissions have been by
security researchers, but the occasional customer who is spared the
potentially devastating effects of using a weak certificate makes the
efforts worthwhile.  We would consider, and possibly agree, to the removal
of Debian weak-key checks and the revocation requirements of (4),
but we would also likely continue to perform the assessments for the
benefits of our customers and relying parties.  However, as stated, we feel
that this avenue of discussion is better traveled after the strengthening of
current BR requirements for the prevention of modern threats.   






From: Servercert-wg <servercert-wg-bounces at cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Tom
Zermeno via Servercert-wg
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 4:35 PM
To: Infrastructure Bot via Servercert-wg <servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
Subject: [Servercert-wg] SC-59 Weak Key Guidance v.2 - Discussion Period


My apologies to the community for not properly submitting the updated
version (v2) of the SC-59 Weak Key Guidance ballot for discussion.  Please
disregard the previous call to vote and allow a 7-day period to discuss the
changes made to the ballot. 


*	Thank you to the participants who voiced opinions and concerns about
the previous version of the ballot.  While there were many concerns about
the inclusion of the Debian weak keys checks, we have decided to leave the
checks in the ballot.  Our reasoning is that we wanted to strengthen the
guidance statements, to help CAs ensure compliant certificate generation.
Future reviews of the BRs may cull the requirements, as is required by the
needs of the community. 
*	We believe that the requested date of November 15, 2023, will allow
enough time for Certificate Authorities to enact any changes to their
systems to ensure that they perform the weak key checks on all CSRs
submitted for TLS certificates. 
*	The changes introduced in SC-59 do not conflict with any of the
recent ballots. As observed with other ballots in the past, minor
administrative updates must be made to the proposed ballot text before
publication such that the appropriate Version # and Change History are
accurately represented (e.g., to indicate these changes will be represented
in Version 2.0.1).  

The following motion has been proposed by Thomas Zermeno of SSL.com and has
been endorsed by Martijn Katerbarg of Sectigo and Ben Wilson of Mozilla. 

- Motion Begins -  

This ballot modifies the "Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates" ("Baseline Requirements"),
based on Version 2.0.0. 

MODIFY the Baseline Requirements as specified in the following Redline:

- Motion Ends - 

The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:

Discussion (7 days) 

. Start time: 2023-06-26 22:00:00 UTC 

. End time: 2023-07-03 21:59:59 UTC 

Vote for approval (7 days) 

  .  Start Time:  TBD

  .  End Time:   TBD 


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