[Servercert-wg] Final SCWG agenda - thursday 31 August, 2023 at 11:30 EST

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Wed Aug 30 08:35:50 UTC 2023

Here is the final agenda for the subject call. Kiran Tummala (Microsoft) is
scheduled to take minutes and next up is Janet Hines (VikingCloud).



Server Certificate Working Group Agenda - 31 August 2023

1.	Roll Call and Begin Recording (* not needed)
2.	Read Note-well  (* not needed)
3.	Review Agenda 
4.	Minutes:

*	3 August: circulated

5.	Membership:

*	Daniel Cooper of QuantuSS Network to join as Interested Party

6.	Issues/topics to discuss

*	GitHub issues: Continue with the review of the open issues. 

1.	81 open: 6 more opened during August
2.	Clean-up: 14 open  
3.	Pull requests: 12 open (3 labeled "clean-up", #322, #415 and #447)

*	Pre-ballot SC65
*	Email threads

1.	Some clarifications requested: reusability of validation authority
(Adriano), section 7.1.5 (Ons), specified above (Wayne),.

7.	Ballot Status - see list below
8.	Any Other Business
9.	Next call: 14 September
10.	Adjourn


*	Passed

*	None

*	Failed

*	None

*	Voting Period

*	None

*	Discussion Period

*	None

*	Review Period 

*	None

*	Draft / Under Consideration

*	SCXX - SLO/Response for CRL & OCSP Responses: on hold
*	SCXX - Clean-up ballot
*	SCXX - Modify Subscriber and Terms of Use
*	SCXX - Profiles clean-up ballot
*	SC65 - Convert EVGs into RFC3647 format


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